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Clemmer Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary 1883


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 6/23/2014 at 09:31:40

Iowa Plain Dealer April 26, 1883, P3 C3

The silver wedding anniversary of Dr. J. J. Clemmer and wife should have occurred on the 11th of April, 1883, and would but for the reason that the Dr. protested against so stilty an affair as a silver wedding. Hence the day came and passed, and much to the relief of both no such formal intrusion upon the quiet of their home had been made. In the meantime preparations were being quietly made to give them a rousing surprise which came off on Wednesday, the 19th inst., over one hundred persons participating in doing honor to the character which they have borne for more than twenty-five years in our midst. The presents provided were rich, elegant and good, consisting of a silver water service with tilting pitcher, silver fruit stand with hand painted dish, a hand decorated card receiver on a gold plated, silver mounted standard. At eight o’clock the line of march from the agreed place of rendevous{sp} started for the home of Dr. where all were courteously received by their daughter, Nellie, the Dr. being at his store and Mrs. Clemmer spending the evening at a neighbor’s. Of course both were sent for and in due time arrived, where they joyously received the congratulations of their assembled friends. After a season of handshaking the presents which were but poor emblems of the esteem in which the Dr. and his wife are held were brought out, Mr. and Mrs. Clemmer, escorted into the room where they are arranged and Mr. Aug. Beadle made this


My dear doctor and Mrs. Clemmer.—To your surprise, no doubt, a number of us are here this evening, uninvited, and in a very unceremonious sort of way. The anniversary of one’s wedding is, or ought to be to every one, a matter of congratulation; but when they come to number five and twenty years, the event becomes notable and serious. It may be because the years that are passed outnumber the years that are to come. And further, because it is not the lot of the many to reach those days, that bring the ripeness of age, and the shades that come with the autumn sun

Most of the good that comes to us in this world, and makes life worth living, touches us through our social life; mingles with and grows out of our common, every day cares, as we go in and come out of our homes, and they fulfill most completely the real purpose of life who are ever mindful of these duties, as they live and grow in the family and neighborhood.

You have spent the most, or all, of these five and twenty years with us. Out of a neighborly life our friendships have grown and ripened, and because of these friendships we have come here to-night unbidden to present to you a slight gift, thinking that in after years it may remind you of our good wishes, -- testifying of the kindly offices that, as good neighbors, we have received from you in numberless ways.

In accepting our gift, you have our hope, that happy life may be continued to each of you; and that the good things that come with life may be increased and multiplied many fold.

To this address the Dr. replied in a feeling and sensible manner, every word of his response coming from the depths of his heart. The surprise to both Mr. and Mrs. Clemmer was complete, and both confess it as one of the most enjoyable and welcome visits ever made them, and not the stilty affair the Dr. thought such an event must necessarily be.

After this a repast of good things prepared by the thoughtful women who had the affair in charge was spread and partaken of with evident relish, each little group recalling some of the many incidents of their early life in Howard county. Of those residing in the county at the time of the marriage twenty-one were present to celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary. At 10 o’clock the party dispersed every one happy and pleased that they had fittingly remembered those so worthy of remembrance for good done in the world.


Howard Documents maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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