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Henry Nelson (1882-1930)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 6/23/2024 at 18:59:13

From Story City Herald January 30, 1930 (page 11)



Henry Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nelson, was born on his father's farm two miles north of Randall on June 22, 1882, and died at the Abbott hospital in Minneapolis, Minn., on Jan. 22, 1930, he being at his death 47 years and 7 months old. He spent his boyhood days in this vicinity. He was confirmed by Rev. Heidal. His classmates were Tom Wae, Ed Sevold, Severt Thompson, Martin Skunand, John Okland, Henry Knutson, John Teig, Anna Pederson, Martha Swenson, Marie Teigland, Petsey Millang, Caroline Madson and Ole Hove. Mr. Nelson left Randall as a young man and has made Minneapolis his home ever since. About a year ago his health began to fail. He tried all the medical help he could think of but all in vain, as he suffered from the dread disease, cancer. He finally had to go to the hospital where he spent the last seven weeks of his life. During his illness his sister, Mollie, stood by him and gave him all the care and attention she possibly could. His father and two brothers have preceded him in death. Those who live to mourn his departure are his aged mother, two brothers and one sister, Jonas Nelson of Randall, John Nelson of California and Mollie of Minneapolis. Funeral services were held Monday at the Elim church in Randall conducted by Rev. G. O. Paulsrud. The mixed quartet, Mrs. P. G. Pederson, Mrs. Clarence Larson, Rev. G. O. Paulsrud and S. M. Teigland, sang two songs. Burial was made in the Mamrelund cemetery east of town beside his father and brothers.


Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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