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Ermels-Atkinson Wedding and Party


Posted By: Raven Thomas (email)
Date: 5/14/2012 at 21:25:29

A wedding was solemnized at the Congregational church study at 8 o'clock Monday night when Miss Martha Ermels became the bride of Mr. Charles Edgar Atkinson. The single ring service was read by the Rev. A.L. Eddy. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends of the bride and groom, including Misses Viola Anderson and Carol Brandrup and Messers. Clarence Veatch and Mack Kantor. The bride was attired in a gown of gray silk crepe. The wedding comes as a surprise to many of the friends of the young people.

Following the ceremony the bridal party was entertained by Mrs. Effie M. Kantor at her home on Willson avenue [sic]. A delicious wedding supper was served to the guests.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ermels. She finished school in Germany and for the past two years has been a capable and efficient clerk at the E.J. Denny store. She is a young woman of charming personality and the possessor of many estimable qualities.

The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. C.E. Atkinson. he graduated from the Webster City school and attended Iowa State college at Ames for two years, studying architectural engineering. he was a member of the Sigma Alpha Beta fraternity, an honorary architectural engineering organization. For the past several months he has been in charge of the office of the Atkinson Construction company, while finishing the contract work started by his father, the late C.E. Atkinson. He is a young man of sterling character and worth and is highly esteemed by the community. He has been prominent in musical circles of the city and is a vocalist of ability.

They will make their home with the bridegroom's mother. Both bride and groom are popular among the young people of the city and their large circle of friends will wish them much happiness.

Hand-dated March 3, 1924

Post-Nuptial Courtesy.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Atkinson, whose marriage took place Monday evening, were honored at a post-nuptial courtesy given for them by about a dozen friends Tuesday night at the home of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. C.E. Atkinson. The affair was in the nature of a surprise for the honor guests. A delightful time was spent by the young people with music, cards and dancing as diversion. A two course repast with a large white wedding cake as the feature was served at the conclusion of the evening.


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