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MARTIN, Robert H.


Posted By: Amy Robbins-Tjaden (email)
Date: 11/23/2006 at 20:57:05

Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Webster and Hamilton Counties, Iowa (1888)

Robert H. Martin, farmer and stockraiser, section 1, Webster Township, was born in Kentucky March 8, 1839, the third son and fourth child of eight children of Samuel and Jeddie (Pierce) Martin, the former a native of North Carolina, of Scotch descent, and the latter a native of Tennessee, of Irish descent. In 1845 the parents moved to Tennessee and lived there until 1856, when they moved to Iowa and settled in Hamilton County, the father entering 160 acres of land near the present site of Lakin's Grove, which he lived on until 1860, when he moved to Story County and settled near what is now Story City, but a short time later returned to Hamilton County, where he has since lived, now making his home with the subject of our sketch. The mother died in 1870, aged fifty-seven years. R. H. Martin remained with his parents until 1861, when he hired out to carry the mail from Webster City, Hamilton County, to Marietta, Marshall County, which he continued seven months, and then obtained employment of the Western Stage Company, driving for that company eight months; after that he drove for the Northwestern Stage Company for nearly four years, until the railroad reached Boonsboro. He remained with the company five years, and being a man of temperate habits and upright principles, he gained the confidence of his employers and was given positions of responsibility. In 1868 he left the company and rented a farm in Hamilton County, on which he lived two years and then bought forty acres of his present farm, to which he has added until he now has a good farm of 182 acres, all well improved. Mr Martin was married January 1, 1872, to Minerva Corbin, a daughter of Dr Corbin, a prominent citizen of the county. To them were born three children -- Lena, Bertie, and one that died in infancy. Mrs Martin died April 16, 1885. She was a prominent member of the Christian church, Mr Martin being a member of the same church. In politics Mr Martin casts his suffrage with the Democratic party.


Hamilton Biographies maintained by Lynn McCleary.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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