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DOYEN, Johanna 1851-1912


Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 6/25/2014 at 07:49:00

Many Pay Tribute To Memory Of Beloved Woman

Funeral Of Mrs. J. C. Doyen One Of The Largest Ever Held Here

A host of the friends and neighbors of the late Mrs. J. C. Doyen paid their last tribute to her memory by attending the funeral services held for her last Saturday afternoon. All of the business houses in town were closed during the services and business men and country people filled the church to attend the last rites at which Rev. Theilken officiated. Every available seat in the church was filled and there were many who could not find seating or standing room at all. The floral contributions coming from relatives and friends was the most generous that have been offered at a similar occasion here for years. Conspicuous among the floral offerings were a broken wheel with three spokes missing given by the Ladies Aid Society, a beautiful anchor a gift from the business men and a pillow of flowers was the offering from the Sunday school class.

Mrs. J. C. Doyen, whose maiden name was Johanna Neessen was born in Holtland, Eastfriesland, Germany February 22nd 1851 making her in her 61st year at the time of her death. When a girl of eighteen she and her brother Tom, who was then a boy of twelve came to this country together. For a year they remained with relatives in Stephenson county, Ill. The next year she moved to Ackley. Here she married to J. C. Doyen in 1876. Shortly after that Mr. and Mrs. Doyen moved to Chicago where they resided five years. After that the family removed to Wellsburg where they have made their home continuously.

Mrs. Doyen was the mother of eleven children. Two of these died when they were very young and the remaining nine together with the husband survive. The children in order of their ages are Heiko, who is at home, Mrs. W. E. Reed of West Bend, Mrs. Peter Peters of Bigelow, Minn., Tena of Chicago, George of Marshalltown, Mrs. Andrew Meyer, Bertha, John and Louise. Mrs. Doyen was the only daughter. Her four brothers, Henry, Tom, Christ and George all reside in this locality.

As wife and mother, Mrs. Doyen was all that the name implies. No sacrifice was too great nor any burden to heavy for her to assume in the interest of those whom she lived. To rear and minister to the wants and needs of a family of eleven children and to do her share in making a home for them is a responsibility, that when it is met fully as it was in the case of Mrs. Doyen, is filling life's purpose as the maker of us all intended that it should be filled. While Mrs. Doyen's home duties were many, she found time outside of them to mingle with friends and to assist them when they needed her help and she was a devoted worker in the church.

Out of town relatives and friends present at the funeral were A. Alberts and wife from Alden, George Alberts and wife from Owasa, Heye Miller from Alvord, John Miller and wife from Adrian, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heerts from Stout, Bert Luberts, Christ Rose, George Lubert and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Peters and Mrs. Walbaum from Parkersburg, Mrs. Wiese from Aplington and Dick Ludeman from Alden, M. Haack from Fern and Jake and Anna Meyer from Stout.

--Grundy County Democrat (Grundy Center, Iowa), 18 April 1912, pg 1


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