WRIGHT, George -1893
Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 2/6/2011 at 09:56:23
The sad intelligence was received in Grundy Center last Thursday that George, son of E. A. Wright, died in Cedar Falls, Wednesday, June 7, of typhoid malaria, aged 21 years. The family until a few months since were residents of Beaver township where George had grown to manhood.
--The Grundy County Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 15 June 1893
The many friends and relatives were pained to hear of the death of their loved companion, George E. Wright, whose parents had recently moved to Cedar Falls that he might finish his education. After an illness of four weeks he left this world so free from sin and sorrow. George was 21 years old and a great favorite with all the young people of this community and will be greatly missed by all his friends. We extend our most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in this their time of trouble. The remains were interred in the new cemetery at Cedar Falls.
--The Grundy County Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 15 June 1893
Grundy Obituaries maintained by Tammy D. Mount.
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