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John A. Morton


Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 11/15/2011 at 23:59:09

JOHN A. MORTON. On section 2, Fairfield Township, Grundy County, lies a pleasant, finely tilled and well improved farm, which is the property of our subject. He is a native of Hampshire County, Mass., where his birth occurred March 28, 1836, and has been a resident of this county since 1870. Of the twelve children born to John A. and Sophronia (Thayer) Morton, the parents of our subject, seven are living, namely: George W., Elmira S., John A., Thomas, Horace B., Edward and Jennie W. The mother of these children was born on a farm in the Bay State, and was there given a fair education.

John A. Morton, Sr., followed the occupation of a farmer very successfully, and for two years represented Hampshire County, Mass., in the State Legislature. In politics, he was in early life a Whig, and after the organization of the Republican party, voted for its candidates until his decease, at the advanced age of seventy-three years. He was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Hampshire County, and was a man of solid virtues, sensible and thoughtful in his views on all subjects. He was one of the Trustees of Hopkins Academy, at Hadley, Mass., and held many responsible positions in his community.

Our subject commenced life for himself when twenty years of age, and in 1856, coming to this state, located in Butler County, where he made his home for about two years. Then going to Ogle County, Ill., he worked out by the month until the spring of 1861, when he joined the ranks of the Union army, becoming a member of Company H, Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. He served through the entire period of the war, and participated in the following well known engagements: Shiloh, Champion Hill, Hatchie’s Run, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg. During his army experience he suffered many hardships, and in the fall of 1864 was taken prisoner and confined in Andersonville Prison for almost a year, or until his discharge, June 30, 1865. He was mustered out at Springfield, Ill., and now draws a pension of $4 per month.

When returning home from the war, in the spring of 1866, Mr. Morton came to Butler County, this state, and settled on a ninety-acre farm. Four years later he was united in marriage with Miss Emma, daughter of Amos and Anna (Dumond) Cunning, natives of Ohio, and to them were born five children, viz.: Neva, now deceased; Anna S., Ada I., Charles A. and Almira. Mrs. Morton was born on a farm in Seneca County, Ohio, and during her earlier years attended school near her home. After the removal of her parents to Butler County, this state, she took a course of study in the schools of New Hartford and taught for seven terms in this state. She is a most highly respected lady, and is a useful member of the Baptist Church.

The farm of our subject, which comprises one hundred and sixty-two acres, is under excellent cultivation, and is provided with neat and well built structures, and in fact, everything necessary for prosecuting agriculture advantageously. He has proved himself a capable farmer, and has been prospered in his agricultural ventures. He is a strong Republican in politics, and has held many township offices of trust. As may be expected, he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, being connected with Robert Olmstead Lodge No. 243, at New Hartford.

Portrait and Biographical Record
of Jasper, Marshall and Grundy Counties, Iowa


Grundy Biographies maintained by Tammy D. Mount.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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