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Joseph R. Scott


Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 11/14/2011 at 18:01:07

JOSEPH R. SCOTT, one of the leading and enterprising farmers of Beaver Township, Grundy County, was born in Lycoming County, Pa., March 15, 1829. He is a son of Joseph and Catherine (Riggle) Scott, also natives of the Keystone State and farmers by occupation. He is the fourth in order of birth of a family of ten children, his brothers and sisters being Peter, Hannah, Lydia, Deborah, Catherine, Jemimah, John P., Amos and Henry. Hannah, Lydia, Catherine, Jemimah and John P. are deceased.

The father of our subject, who was reared and educated in his native state, came west with his family in 1847, locating in Kane County, Ill., where he rented a farm and resided until his decease, at the age of fifty-five years. He was an influential man in his community, and in political affairs always voted with the Republican party. His good wife survived him many years, and died in the above county in the winter of 1888, when in her eighty-fifth year. They were both consistent members of the Christian church, and the sincerity of their lives proved better than mere words the depth of their belief.

Grandfather Joseph Scott was also a native of Pennsylvania, and followed the combined occupations of farming and milling. His father, Henry Scott, the great-grandfather of our subject, was a native of Scotland, and coming to this country in an early day, located on a farm in Pennsylvania, where he died when advance in years. The maternal grandmother of our subject emigrated from Germany to America at an early day in the history of this country.

Joseph R. Scott was reared and educated on the home farm in Pennsylvania, and on the removal of the family to Kane County, Ill., accompanied them on their journey and assisted his father in clearing his place, remaining at home until attaining his majority. In 1851 he married Miss Betsey J., daughter of Samuel W. and Unity (Jackman) Ingalls. Her parents were natives of New York, where they were well-to-do people and farmers by occupation.

To Mr. and Mrs. Scott has been born a family of six children, viz.: Ira I., W. Arthur, Ellen A., Amos E., Alice F. and Myron. They have all been given fine educations, and Ira and Alice taught school for a number of terms. Mrs. Scott was born in New York, and was only four years old at the time her parents removed to Kane County, Ill. There Mr. Ingalls purchased a farm and began its cultivation. Mrs. Scott attended the common schools in Kane County until reaching her fourteenth year and was thus enabled to gain a limited education. She is a highly respected lady and a member of the Advent Church.

After his marriage our subject rented a farm in Kane County, Ill., which he continued to operate as a renter until the fall of 1862, the date of his removal to Beaver Township, Grundy County. Here he purchased eighty acres of land, on which he has resided since that time, and which he has placed under the best improvement. In politics he adheres to the platform laid down by the Republican party and is one of the most prominent citizens of his township, where he takes an active part in public affairs.

Portrait and Biographical Record
of Jasper, Marshall and Grundy Counties, Iowa


Grundy Biographies maintained by Tammy D. Mount.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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