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Local News, July 14, 1938


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 5/1/2015 at 16:32:50

The Leon Journal-Reporter
Leon, Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, July 14, 1938, Pages 4 & 5


Leon - C. S. Jolly, 48, St. Joseph, Mo., and Leona S. Madinger, 43, St. Joseph, Mo.; Melvin Smith, 22, Lineville, and Duean Baker, 17, Leon.

Republicans To State Meet Tomorrow
Twenty-six delegates from Decatur county will attend the state republican convention to be held in Des Moines at the coliseum tomorrow. They are: C. T. Rhoades, Dr. J. W. Wailes, Belva Worden, Ray Wiley, Charles McCroskey, Mrs. Homer Townsley, David Dancer, W. H. Campbell, Glen Vail, Mrs. Hattie Heaton, J. C. Overholtzer, C. H. Cornett, Tom Swain, S. D. McCroskey, Bradford Young, W. S. McCaull, L. G. Kelley, Oscar Anderson, Hazel Carmean, Winfield Cash, G. B. Price, F. D. Conwell, G. G. Grimes, W. A. Poush, Mrs. A. Radnich and J. V. Lemley.

Wayne Fuller Returns To Work With ISU
Wayne Fuller, who was injured in an explosion June 21, near Garden Grove, has returned to work for the Iowa Southern Utilities company. Mr. Fuller, a lineman, was tamping blasting powder in preparation for the blasting of a stump when the explosion occurred.

Redecorating Interior of Graham Department Store
The interior of the Graham department store is undergoing redecorating. The paint used is light in color and adds greatly to the attractiveness of that big store. The store front is also being repainted. David Jones and sons are doing the work.

County Nurse Improved
Miss Eileen Downey, county nurse, who has been ill since June 1, is showing much improvement the last few days. Miss Downey was a patient at the Decatur county hospital but is now at the Mansell Tallman home.

A Boy to the Weekes
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Weekes of Leon at the Decatur county hospital, Tuesday, July 12, a seven and three-fourths pound son. The little fellow has been named Michael Manning Weekes. Mrs. Weekes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning of this city.

Returned Sunday From Vacation in Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zunkle and little son of Leon and Mrs. Zunkle's sister, Mrs. O. C. Tingley, and son, Kent, of Des Moines, returned Sunday from Colorado where they had been enjoying a short vacation. They made the trip by automobile.

Seven Decatur County Students Enrolled for First Quarter at AMES

Enrolled at Iowa State college [present-day Iowa State University] for the first term of the summer quarter are seven students from Decatur county.

Those students from Decatur county include Lu Ellen Scott, home economics education sr., Davis City; Dorothy H. Bone, home economics education grad., and Loring F. Snook, industrial arts, grad., both of Grand River; Ellis Arden Hicks, zoology, grad., Lamoni; Jeane Elizabeth Scholty, home economics special student, and Donald Corwin Osborn, dairy industry and economics, both of Leon; Florence Pearl Davis, home economics, sr., Weldon.

Takes Position at Tallman's
Mrs. Audrey Swisher, who has been employed by the Manning Cafe for some time, has resigned there to accept a position as bookkeeper for the Tallman Furniture company. she took up her new duties last Monday morning.

Twins Die
Larry and Jerry, twin sons born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks of Leon, July 6, lived only a few minutes. Burial, in charge of the Stewart funeral home, was made at the Leon cemetery, July 7.

Hearing From His Friends
Lynn Stephens, who recently enlisted in the navy, writes his mother from San Diego, Calif., and says he is receiving many cards from friends both in Leon and elsewhere which he surely appreciates. Lynn is now in the naval training station.

Return From Western Trip
Mrs. Dena Burke and brother, John Mannasmith, of Kellerton, accompanied by Mrs. Grace Mahan of Mount Ayr, and Miss Pauline Smith, of Decatur, returned Saturday evening from a ten-day trip to the Yellowstone park and the Black Hills.

Business Women Picnic
The Business and Professional Women's club held a picnic meeting at Harvey park Monday evening. Miss Mayme Rush is the new president of the organization; Miss Irene Wood, vice president; Miss Martha Hoffman, recording secretary; Miss Lois Eckardt, corresponding secretary; and Miss Marguerite Cartwright, treasurer. Miss Tressa Tullis and Miss Maxine Gardner will have charge of the program for the August meeting.

Frank Davis Takes Position With Firestone
Frank Davis, who recently completed a course at the American Institute of Business in Des Moines, has accepted a position with the Firestone Tire and Rubber company at their Des Moines headquarters. Frank is a graduate of the Leon high school. He is a member of the Phi Theta Pi fraternity.

Vern Acton, formerly of Leon, but now field representative for City Club beer, was in town Tuesday.

The Farm Debt Board will meet this Thursday at the recorder's office in the court house at 1 o'clock p.m. Archie Coontz, chairman.

Peter Westervelt and his sister, pioneer farm residents over north of Westerville, made one of their infrequent visits to Leon last Saturday.

Rev. George E. Cone and family of Portis, Kansas, left Leon for their home in Kansas early Friday morning. Mrs. Cone was formerly Grace Garber, daughter of F. A. Garber, of Leon. They were called to Leon to attend the funeral services of George Garber. Mrs. Ed Wolfe of Gaylord, Kansas, accompanied them.

Misses Vivian Conner of Leon and Wyola Buchanan of Decatur, with Helen Reed of Lineville and the Dennis sisters of Davis City drove to Leon from Cedar Falls to spend the Fourth holiday at the homes of their parents. The young ladies are attending Iowa State Teachers College during the summer session.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Gunter have received an announcement informing them of the arrival of a 7 pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gunter of Alton, Illinois, July 7. The little lady has been named Martha Kent.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Tallman were in Des Moines Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. Tallman's uncle, F. H. Heidt. Mr. Heidt had been a resident of Des Moines for seventy years and was a city mail carrier for forty years. The funeral was a largely attended service.

Miss Beverly Rush of Chicago is visiting here with relatives and friends. Her grandmother, Mrs. Ed Biggs went to Des Moines on Monday to meet her and bring her to Leon. She is visiting at the Biggs home, with her grandmother Mrs. Jennie Rush and daughter, Miss Mayme Holand, and with her uncle, H. L. Rush and family.

The Prentis Hatchery and the Daily Implement Company, both on the east side of the court house square, have new awnings.

Miss Patricia Tullis departed Monday for Des Moines and entered the Iowa School of Beauty Culture for a complete course.

NOTICE - Those playing contract in Harvey Park Sunday night come during daylight and read the "Reward Notices" Don't tack any more cards on tables or take off boards. Your names are known. Jack Strange, caretaker.

The Leon municipal band has been invited to play in a band tournament at Riverview Park in Des Moines, Sunday, July 24. The matter is under cosideration and it is possible that the organization will enter the contest if transporation can be provided.

Mr. Wierson, superintendent of schools of Lanark, Illinois, and Mr. Proctor, a member of the board of education of Lanark, were in Leon Wednewday to attend the funeral services of George Garber. George had taught for 12 years in the Lanark, Ill. high school.

Ice cream social on the W. F. Lindsey lawn Friday evening. Home made ice cream 10 cents, lemon sherbet 10 cents, cake 5 cents, ice tea, musical program.

Guy Conner and son Paul left Leon, June 21, for McCracken, Kansas, to assist Mr. Conner's oldest son Lloyd in harvesting. Reports are that the wheat is abundant and of fine quality in that section.

Miss Imogene Graham underwent a tonsillectomy on July 5 at the Decatur County Hospital.

Have purchased another 100 pair of army shoes, making 400 pair to date, most any size. Day's Shoe Shop.

Rev. Raymond E. Gingrich and wife, Edith and son, returned to their home in Akron, Ohio, Sunday. Mrs. Gingrich was formerly Edith Garber, daughter of F. A. Garber of Leon.

Rev. Charles Mayes returned to his home in Ashland, Ohio, Thursday. Mr. Mayes, who is editor of the Brethren Evangelist, came to Leon for the funeral services of his brother-in-law, George Garber.

Neighbors of the F. A. Garber family gathered at the Garber home Saturday and cut and shocked Mr. Garber's oats.

Miss Alice Garber, who was called home by the sudden death of her brother, George, returned to her work in Cleveland, Ohio, on Thursday. She was accompanied by her brother, Elmer of South Amherst, Ohio.

Ten-cent bottled beer at Richardson's grocery, south Main street.

Mrs. George Garber and daughters, Marguerite and Mary Louise, returned to their home in Lanark, Illinois, Thursday morning.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Penisten of Des Moines, a son, on Sunday, July 10. This is Charles Penisten's first grandchild. James is a former Leon resident.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garber and son Billy who were in Leon for the funeral of Mr. Garber's brother George, returned to their home in Taylor, Neb., Thursday.

M. P. Garber of Des Moines is visiting with relatives and friends in this city and vicinity this week.

Mrs. E. Kelley of Grand River underwent a major operation at the Decatur County Hospital, on July 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dean of Grand River visited Friday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Hines in Leon.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2015


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