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Teale, Thomas (Hon.)


Posted By: Mary H. Cochrane, Volunteer
Date: 7/9/2019 at 17:01:54

Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa, (Lewis Publishing Company (1887)), pp. 654-55:

"HON. THOMAS TEALE has been identified with Decatur County and its business interests since the fall of 1865. He was born in Greenwich, Kentshire, England, January 10, 1842, a son of Frederick and Diana C. Teale. In 1843 his parents came to the United States, and made their first home in Orleans County, New York, but shortly moved to the West, and for a time lived in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, and from there they moved to Jo Daviess County, Illinois. When Thomas was a boy he was left fatherless, and in a great measure was thrown on his own resources. Thus early in life he learned the practical lessons of self-reliance, and that nothing worthy of having could be obtained without an effort. He grew to manhood in Jo Daviess County, and in 1861, upon President Lincoln's first call for three-years' volunteers, enlisted in the defense of his country, and was assigned to Company E, Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. At the battle of Shiloh he was wounded in the right hip, by a musket ball, and after hospital treatment was granted a furlough. He rejoined his regiment and participated in the engagement at Hatchie, and subsequently his wound giving him trouble, he was detailed Brigade Postmaster, serving in that position until August, 1863, when, on account of disability, he was honorably discharged. Returning to the family home in Jo Daviess County, he remained there until he removed to Iowa, in 1865. His first purchase of land in the county was 160 acres on section 16, Fayette Township. This he improved, but subsequently moved to the farm where he now lives, on section 4, about one mile west of Lamoni, where he has a fine farm of 320 acres, all under cultivation, and his building improvements are among the best in the township, his home showing the thrift and refinement of the owner. Soon after the village of Lamoni was laid out he erected a stone building, and stocked it with hardware and farm implements, and now has a good trade. Fayette Township has no more active and energetic citizen than Thomas Teale. Enterprising and public-spirited, he has assisted materially in all projects that tend to the upbuilding of town or county. In politics Mr. Teale is a Republican, and quite prominent in the councils of the party. In 1885 he was elected to represent his district in the Iowa General Assembly. Mr. Teale was married 1867, in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, to Lucinda Graham, daughter of Theodore Graham. After ten years of married life the death angel entered the home and took from it the wife and mother, leaving the father with four young children -- Charles, Frederick, Erastus and Orra. In 1878 Mr. Teale married Mrs. Edith (Patterson) Wharton, daughter of Robert Patterson, and widow of Andrew Wharton, by whom she has three children -- Zula, wife of Joseph P. Peters, of Leon; James P. and Arthur D. Mr. Teale has three brothers in Decatur County. Frederick is in Decatur Township; James, in Davis City; and Eugene, in Bloomington Township. One brother, George H., lives in Riley Township, Ringgold County; one, Albert, at Kellerton, and another, Joseph, in Nebraska."

Jun 10, 1842 ~ March 07, 1923

Thomas Teale, president of the Farmers & Traders State Bank of Leon, is prominent in financial circles in this part of Iowa and is also known because of his connection with public affairs as for two terms he served as a member of the house of representatives of the state legislature. He was born in Greenwich, England, June 10, 1842, of the marriage of Frederick and Leticia (Hamm) Teale, who in 1843 emigrated with their family to America.They first located in New York but later removed to Jo Daviess county, Illinois, where they spent the remainder of their lives. They were the parents of seven children, of whom five are living. Six sons served in the federal army during the Civil war, all of whom returned alive although five, including our subject, were wounded.

Thomas Teale grew to manhood in Illinois and received liberal educational advantages. He continued his studies while serving in the army, which indicates his determination to secure a thorough education. He enlisted in Company E, Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as a private and remained with that command until wounded at Shiloh. Being thus disabled for further service he was honorably discharged and returned to Illinois. At the close of the war he came to Decatur county, where he had resided for a time in 1860. At that time he made his home at Decatur City but upon returning to this county he secured land near what is now the site of the city of Lamoni. He turned his attention to the improving of his place and in the fall of 1879 erected the first business house in Lamoni, in which he conducted a general store for a number of years. Later he turned the management of the establishment over to his son Bert, who was connected therewith until 1894.

In 1888 our subject came to Leon, where he engaged in merchandising as a member of the firm of Young & Teale, whose place of business was on the west side of the square. That firm continued to conduct the store until 1890, when Mr. Teale sold out his interest, Mr. Young becoming sole proprietor of the establishment. Mr. Teale then entered the banking business in Leon and in 1894 organized the Farmers & Traders Bank, a private institution, which later became the Farmers & Traders State Bank, under which name it is now conducted. Mr. Teale has been president of the bank since it s organization and its steady growth has been largely due to his excellent management. His son, Fred E., a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work, is cashier of the institution. The bank owns the building in which it is located and which it has remodeled, making it one of the best bank buildings in the city. The upper floor is given over to offices.

In 1892 our subject established the Commercial Bank of Lamoni, which he sold before establishing the Farmers & Traders State Bank at Leon. He is also heavily interested in the Farmers State Bank of Lamoni, which his son Ora manages, and the Iowa State Bank of Mount Ayr, which is conducted by his son Bert.

Mr. Teale has considerable real estate, owning a store building which he erected in Lamoni and a number of farms in the county. He understands business conditions thoroughly and is quick to recognize and take advantage of opportunites which many others fail to see. He is recognized as one of the most successful bankers of the county and his advice is often sought on matters of finance and investment.

In 1867 Mr. Teale was arrived in this county to Miss Lucinda Graham, who was born in Jo Daviess county, Illinois, and accompanied her parents, Theodore, and Lethee, Graham, to this county soon after the close of the Civil war. She passed away in 1877, leaving four sons: Fred E., Ora and Bert, previously mentioned; and Charles, who is engaged in the implement business at Mount Ayr. All are married and our subject has several grandchildren.

Mr. Teale is a republican and has twice been honored by election as representative of his district in the state legislature, serving as a member of that body during the twenty-first and twenty-second general assemblies. In that capacity he proved capable and public-spirited and made a very creditable record. He attends the Presbyterian church and his wife favored the Methodist church. He is a loyal member of Leon Post, No. 261, G. A. R., and through that organization keeps in touch with others who fought for the preservation of the Union. He is widely known and all who have been associated with him hold him in the highest respect and esteem him for his genuine worth.

SOURCE: Howell, Prof. J.M. & Smith, Heman C. History of Decatur County Iowa And Its People. S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. Chicao. 1915.
Transcription by a volunteer for IAGenWeb Decatur County website

THOMAS TEALE, was born in Greenwich, England, January 10, 1842, and died in Leon, Iowa, March 7, 1923. Burial was in Leon Cemetery. His parents, Frederick and Diana C. Teale, immigrated to the United States with their family in 1843, lived first in Orleans County, New York, later in Wisconsin, in Clevelandm Ohio, and in 1855 removed to Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Thomas attended local schools and secured a good common school education.

In 1861 he enlisted in Company E, Fifteenth Illinois Infantry, was wounded at Shiloh, was sent home on furlough, rejoined his company later, but in August, 1863, was given a disability discharge.

In 1865 he removed to a farm in Fayette Township, Decatur County, Iowa. In 1885 he was elected representative and re-elected in 1887, and served in the Twenty-first and Twenty-second general assemblies. In 1888 he removed to Leon and became a member of the firm of Young & Teale, merchants. In 1894 he entered the banking business, was president of the Farmers and Traders State Bank of Leon from 1913 for several years, of the Iowa State Bank of Mount Ayr, and was interested in other banks in that vicinity.

SOURCE: The Annals of Iowa. Vol. 16, No. 2. Pp. 152-3. State Historical Socity of Iowa. Fall 1927.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2017

Honorable Thomas Teale was born in Greenwich, Kentshire, England, on January 10, 1842, a son of Frederick and Diana C. Teale. In 1845 his parents came to the United States and made their home in Orleans’ county, New York, but shortly thereafter moved to the west and for a time lived in Milwaukee county, Wisconsin. From there they moved to Jo Davies county, Illinois.

When Thomas was a boy he was left fatherless and, in a great measure, was thrown on his own resources. Thus early in life he learned the practical lessons of self-reliance. He grew to manhood in Jo Daviess county and, in 1861, upon President Lincoln’s first call for three-year volunteers, enlisted in the defense of his country and was assigned to Company E, Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. At the battle of Shiloh he was wounded by a musket ball and, after hospital treatment, was granted a furlough. He rejoined his regiment and participated in the engagement at Hatchie and subsequently, in view of the fact that his wound was giving him trouble, he was detailed brigade postmaster, serving in that position until August, 1863, when, on account of disability, he was honorably discharged. He returned to the family home in Jo Daviess county and remained there until he removed to Iowa in 1865.

He was identified with Decatur county and its business interests continuously from the fall of 1865. His first purchase of land there was 160 acres in section 16, Fayette township. He improved this, but subsequently moved to the farm in section 4 where he lived at the time of his death, which was about one mile west of Lamoni. This farm of 320 acres was all under cultivation and the improvements are among the best in the township. His home showed the thrift and refinement of its owner. Soon after the village of Lamoni was laid out he erected a stone building to be used for business purposes. Fayette township had no more active and energetic citizen than Thomas Teale. Enterprising and public-spirited, he assisted materially in all projects that tend to the upbuilding of town and county.

In politics, Mr. Teale was a Republican, prominent in the councils of his party. In 1885 he was elected to represent his district in the General Assembly and served in the Twenty-first and Twenty-second General Assemblies.

He was married in 1867 in Jo Daviess county, Illinois, to Lucinda Graham, daughter of Theodore Graham. Ten years thereafter death entered the home and took from it the wife and mother, leaving the father with four young children: Charles, Frederick, Erastus, and Orra. In 1878 Mr. Teale married Mrs. Edith (Patterson) Wharton, daughter of Robert Patterson, and widow of Andrew Wharton. Three children were born of this union: Zula, James P., and Arthur D.

Mr. Teale died at his home at Lamoni, Iowa, on February 25, 1923.

Whereas, The life and character of the deceased and his exemplary service call for such as to place his memory among those highly respected and esteemed in our state; therefore,

Be It Resolved, That the House of Representatives takes this occasion to express its appreciation of the character and service of the deceased; and

Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be printed in the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward to the family of the deceased an enrolled copy.

Unanimously adopted April 6, 1927.
NOTE: By one account, Thomas died February 25, 1923; March 07, 1923 by another account. Thomas and Lucinda (Graham) Teale were interred at Leon Cemetery, Leon, Iowa.

SOURCE: 42 GA (1927) House Journal Memorial Resolution
Transcription and note by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2017


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