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Logan, John E.


Posted By: Mary H. Cochrane, Volunteer
Date: 7/1/2019 at 20:10:12

Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa, (Lewis Publishing Company (1887)), pp. 511-12:

“JOHN E. LOGAN is the earliest permanent settler of Morgan Township and one of the earliest of Southern Iowa. He resides on section 12, where he settled in 1844. The Indians had not then been removed, and the county was then in a very primitive state. His postoffice was at Trenton, Missouri, forty miles away, and the postage on each letter was twenty-five cents, which was invariably demanded when the letter was taken from the office. Money was scarce, and but little silver with which to make change, and beeswax was used as a substitute, which was in good demand, at twenty-five cents a pound. A small grist-mill had been erected four miles below Princeton, Missouri, a distance of about twenty-five miles. This was of very small dimensions, but much better than none, and was a blessing for which the pioneers were thankful. His dwelling was a cabin of hewed logs, 18 x 20 feet in size. He had been here the previous autumn, and had made his location and engaged a man to build the above mentioned, he returning to Missouri, and bringing his family the following spring. This cabin forms a part of his present residence, it having been clapboarded on the outside, and sealed within. This is the oldest residence in the township. Here Mr. Logan and wife have lived for a period of forty-two years. A generation has passed away since they settled here. It was a beautiful, timbered county, with no under-brush, and deer and other wild game were abundant. Mr. Logan was born in Knox County, Kentucky, February 20, 1811. He lived in Knox, Whitley and Laurel counties until he came West. His father was James Logan, a native of Kentucky, where he lived until his death. James Logan and his wife had nine children, four sons and five daughters. John E. is the only surviving member. He was married in Laurel County, Kentucky, in 1829, to Miss Eliza Baker, a daughter of Andrew Baker. In the fall of 1842, Mr. Logan started westward with his wife and six children, who came all the way to Randolph County, Missouri, with an ox team. He raised a crop in that county, but not being satisfied with that portion of the State, he resolved to come to Iowa, where land would be cheaper, a course which he has never had cause to regret. He came with nothing but energy, good health, and a determination to succeed. When he reached this point with his family, he had not a dollar left. His worldly possessions consisted of three yoke of oxen, three cows, and a mare and colt – the mare being a fine animal which he brought from Kentucky. His household goods were all contained in one wagon, which was drawn by oxen. From these small beginnings Mr. Logan has by industry, economy and hard work, attained a competency and even wealth. He owns 600 acres of land, and has made something of a specialty of stock-raising, in which he has had marked success. To Mr. Logan belongs the credit of introducing fine-bred stock into Decatur County. He introduced the first fine hogs about 1859, and the first fine cattle about 1874. He is still engaged in stock-raising. Mr. Logan and wife have been members of the Methodist Episcopal church a great many years, Mr. Logan having been converted to that faith in 1840, and his wife one year later. After the division of the church, they were identified with the Southern Branch. Mr. Logan has always been a liberal supporter of the gospel, and forward in all enterprises whose tendency was for the general good, having given $700 for the erection of a church in Lineville, about 1870, and a few years later he pretty nearly built a church in his neighborhood, which was named Logan Chapel. Still later Mr. Logan gave $200 for a parsonage in Lineville, Iowa, since which time he gave $50 for another church, and lately willed $2,000 to be, after his death, applied to a fund for the support of worn-out preachers, and orphans of deceased preachers. Mr. and Mrs. Logan have had ten children, four of whom are living – James E., William N., Lydia C. and Margaret J. Mr. Logan was the first justice of the peace in Morgan Township, serving six years. He married Miles A. Wasson and wife, which was the first marriage in the township. Just a week later he married Mr. Swanson and Miss Evans; and still another week later he married Elijah Mode. He has never sought office, nor accepted it when offered, except in the case above mentioned. In early life he was an old-line Whig, voting for General Harrison, in 1840. Upon the dissolution of that party he joined the Democratic party with which he has since been identified.”

(Transcribed by Christy Jay for Decatur County, Iowa Rootsweb.)


Decatur Biographies maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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