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Hopkins, William A.


Posted By: Mary H. Cochrane, Volunteer
Date: 6/30/2019 at 18:36:20

Obituary ~ William Alexander Hopkins

Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa
(Lewis Publishing Company (1887)), pp. 694-95:

"WILLIAM HOPKINS was born in Monmouth County, New Jersey, February 16, 1830, a son of Joseph and Agnes T. Hopkins, who were born, reared and married in the same State, the father dying when our subject was five years of age. The mother is yet living. They were the parents of three sons, our subject being the eldest. The others are -- Samuel, who lives near the old homestead, and Alfred, who died about thirty-five years of age, leaving a wife and five children. After the death of the father, the mother married Daniel Hopkins, and reared another large family. William Hopkins, our subject, grew to manhood on a farm, being reared by his uncle, Charles Hopkins. July 31, 1851, he was married to Miss Elizabeth A. Horn er, who was born in Monmouth County, New Jersey, October 22, 1827, a daughter of Stacy and Sarah Horner. About one year after their marriage, they started for California via the Nicaraugua route, in company with the parents of Mrs. Hopkins, reaching San Francisco August 5, 1852. Mr. Horner died in Alameda County many years ago. His widow still resides in that county, in fair health, aged over ninety-two years. She is able to number in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, over 100 living descendants. On coming to California, Mr. Hopkins settled in Alameda County, and engaged in farming and raising vegetables for the wholesale markets of San Francisco and San Jose. To Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins were born five children, all being natives of Alameda County, California. They are as follows -- Alfred, the eldest, died aged ten months; John Franklin, living on his father's homestead; Clara, married William Allen, and died in Fayette Township, Decatur County, in 1879, leaving two children, named Ada and Franklin, the former living with her paternal grandparents; William Alexander. The youngest sons of Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins are engaged in the furniture and agricultural-implement business, at Lamoni. In the fall of 1871, the climate not agreeing with them, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins removed from California with their family, and returned to the State of New Jersey. In the spring of 1872 they came to Decatur County, and bought 105 acres of partially-improved property, on section 14, Fayette Township. Mr. Hopkins soon afterward added 240 acres adjoining his original purchase, the latter being on section 12; he also bought forty acres on section 14, and eighty acres on section 11, near Lamoni. He built for himself a comfortable and commodious residence on section 14, and also erected two other residences on section 12, which were occupied by his sons. In April, 1885, Mr. Hopkins removed to Lamoni, where he owns a good residence, and is now living somewhat retired from the active duties of life. He and his family are members of the Reorganized Church of the Latter-Day Saints, and respected citizens of Fayette Township.

(Submitted to the Decatur County GenWeb site by Christy Jay, email: Jaygenie@aol.com)

Obituary ~ William Alexander Hopkins

History of Decatur County, Iowa and Its People
Prof. J.M. Howell & Heman C. Smith. S.J. Clarke Publ. Co. p. 198. ca. Chicago. 1915.

William A. Hopkins, who is president of the State Savings Bank of Lamoni, was born in Alameda county, California, on the 21st of June, 1867, a son of William and Elizabeth E. (Horner) Hopkins, both natives of Monmouth county, New Jersey. The father, who farmed in his native state, removed to California in 1851 and continued to follow agricultural pursuits there. In the spring of 1872, however, he returned east and settled in Decatur county, Iowa, where he engaged in farming until his demise, which occurred on the 1st of October, 1890. He was sixty-one years of age, as his birth occurred on the 16th of February, 1829. His wife, who was born October 22, 1826, is still living and is a member of the Latter Day Saints church, as was her husband. They were the parents of the following children. Alfred died in infancy. Clara A., born March 27, 1853, was married on the 28th of January, 1877, and passed away on the 9th of February, 1879. John F., born January 1, 1855, married Miss Ada A. Hudson. Joseph A., born August 22, 1860, was married on the 4th of March, 1880, to Miss Fannie L. Smith and died April 17, 1889. William A. is the subject of this review.

William A. Hopkins attended the district schools of Decatur county, being only five years of age when brought to this county by his parents, and he continued his studies in the Lamoni high school. When a boy he worked on the home farm and when seventeen years of age entered into partnership with his brother under the firm name of Hopkins Brothers, who were dealers in agricultural implements and furniture and also conducted an undertaking business. The partnership was dissolved in 1885 and our subject became a partner of J. O. Moon, the firm being Hopkins & Moon. That connection continued until 1886, when Mr. Moon sold his interest in the business to O.O. Hudson and from that time until 1893 the name was Hopkins & Hudson. This partnership being dissolved in 1893, Mr. Hopkins was alone in business until 1900, when he disposed of his furniture and undertaking establishment. In 1897 he organized the Lamoni Telephone Company and on the 1st of July of the following year organized the State Savings bank of Lamoni, serving as cashier of that institution until 1912, when he was elected president. As executive head of the bank he has demonstrated his knowledge of business conditions and of sound principles of banking; and his judgment has been seldom if ever at fault. This financial concern now has over five hundred thousand dollars in assets, and larger deposits than any other bank in Decatur county. Mr. Hopkins also deals quite extensively in real estate and is president of the Lamoni Land & Loan Company. He likewise organized and is the president of the corporation which built the Lamoni Coliseum, of which the town is justly proud. As the first president of the Lamoni Commercial Club Mr. Hopkins has much to do with defining the field of work of that organization and in promoting a spirit of co-operation among its membership.

On the 7th of November, 1886, Mr. Hopkins married Miss Julia E. Clum, who was born on the 9th of June, 1867. Their children are: Avis, who was born August 30, 1889, and was married on the 7th of August, 1912, to G.L. Smith; H. Horner, born November 7, 1894; and Viola L., whose natal day was the 2d of August, 1904.

Mr. Hopkins is stanch in his adherence to the republican party and takes great interest in matters pertaining to local government, although he has never desired to hold office. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Church of Latter Day Saints. His power of initiative, business ability and energy have been factors of importance in the up building of Lamoni and he is highly respected and esteemed by his fellow citizens. In March, 1911, Mr. Hopkins assisted in organizing the St. Paul, Des Moines, St. Joseph & Interstate Trail Association, which established a route for automobilists and of which he is now the president.

Transcription for IAGenWeb Decatur County


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