Harnack, Henry 1841 - 1903
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 10/13/2016 at 11:42:31
Elkader Register, Thur., 24 Sept. 1903. From the Northwood Index, undated.
Suicided in Worth County Jail.
Henry Harnack, a German farmer, late tenant of the C. J. Peterson farm, northeast of town, suicided by hanging himself in the county jail, probably at an early hour Saturday morning. Mr. Harnack was 63 years of age, married, and the father of five children, four young men and one girl, Tillie, aged 11 years. The two oldest sons reside in Clayton county, from which place the other members came to this county two years ago. As we understand Mr. H. leased the 200-acre farm at a cash rental of (looks like $600. or $800.) per annum, but owing perhaps to the unpropitious season had paid but about $100. during the two years of his occupancy. He appears to have been a man on whom intemperate habits were growing, and as he was quite heavily indebted to other parties besides Mr. Peterson, it is evident he lacked the usual German traits of thrift and good management. Failing to obtain any satisfactory arrangement for settlement of his claim Mr. Peterson on Friday last had Sheriff Lee levy on Harnack's crops, livestock, etc. A violent altercation arose between landlord and tenant, during which the latter threatened that he would kill Peterson and himself before morning. Mr. Peterson evidently had reason to believe, from the German's manner, that there was a probability that he would seek to carry his threat into execution, and he had a warrant issued from Justice Hunter's office, binding Harnack over to keep the peace. Sheriff Lee served the warrant late Friday night, and lodged the defendant in jail, there being no other course open at that late hour. It was a rainy and excessively gloomy night,, and it is possible that the poor prisoner felt keenly the disgrace of his position and of a whole life gone awry, and his habits and troubles evidently made him desperate. He scribbled on a fragment of wrapping paper an incoherent good bye to "the dear wife and children," and evidently towards morning hanged himself with a towel tied to the bars of a steel cage. When Sheriff Lee went to call him for breakfast he found the man in a kneeling position, and it was apparent that for two or three hours at least he had been beyond any earthly call. The body was immediately cut down and the relatives and the coroner sent for. No inquest was held or desired. The funeral was solemnized Monday afternoon by the German Lutheran minister of Manly. Mrs. Harnack and the girl are being cared for by mister Sebright and other sympathizing friends. The two sons in Clayton county are reasonably well-to-do. The two sons here, Emil, aged twenty-four, and Arthur, aged seventeen, are honest, hard-working young men, and well calculated to make their own way. Efforts, which will prove successful we hope, are being made to save something from the financial wreck for the poor widow and children who seem to have had an altogether undue share of sorrow.
Henry Harnack was born February 18, 1841, in Kona, Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, Germany. Was married in 1871 to Maria Elseb_in Backhaus. Besides the children named above he leaves six brothers and one sister, most of whom reside in Clayton county, Ia. His body lies in Sunset Rest cemetery.- Northwood Index.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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