Meier, Claus 1822-1896
Posted By: A. Haught (email)
Date: 3/17/2015 at 16:36:22
Died at his home in Farmersburg Township on Friday evening, Jan. 24, 1896, Claus Meier, at the advanced age of 73 years, 6 mo., 10 days.
Claus Meier was born in Ahrensmohr, Hanover, Germany, July 22, 1822. He emigrated to this country in May 1850, and located in Piqua, Ohio, where on Aug. 31, 1852, he was married Alida Koester his surviving widow.
In Oct. of that same year they came west and located on the farm in Garnavillo Township, now owned by Joe Auer. A few years later he sold his farm and purchased the present homestead from Mr. Renshaw.
Of the 8 children born to them, one, a boy died at the age of 7 years.
Of those still living John H. and Henry are prosperous farmers in Sac county, Iowa. Peter and Bernhart operate a farm in Parker, S.D., Mrs. Amelia Chase resides in Louisiana, Mrs. Mathilda in Sac county, and Mrs. Helmuth Meier resides at the homestead with whom the deceased passed the last years of his life.
Thus another of the pioneers of Clayton County has been called from his earthly labor to find rest in the realm of eternal peace. Of Claus Meier it may be said that he was a man of lofty sentiments and noble instincts, scrupulously exact in his dealings with his fellowman, he was without guile, unskilled to fawn or flatter, his words were sincere, his aye meant aye, his nay, nay.
He was a consistent Christian, having associated himself with St. Paul’s church, of which he held many positions of trust and honor.
Since last summer Mr. Meier has been growing weaker, and his wife and children did everything in their power to alleviate suffering.
His children from a distance were summoned to his bedside and performed the last sad rites of love. His remains were buried at this place, the Garnavillo cemetery, on Wednesday, Rev. Sommerlad officiating.
Peace to his ashes.
Garnavillo Sentinel: January 30, 1896
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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