Dietrick Onken
Posted By: Dick Onken (email)
Date: 2/7/2006 at 12:21:50
Carroll Times December 1911.
The funeral of Dietrick Onken was held Thursday afternoon at the Lutheran church in this city, Rev E.L. Eschbach of Glidden conducting the service. The remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery beside his faithful wife who died several years ago. The deceased was living at the home of his daughter, Mrs P.J. Hatton, previous to his death. for the past three years he has been in poor health and sence Christmas has been confined to his room. His trouble was due largely to diseased stomach and other trouble incident to old age.
He was born in Funnix, Ostfrieslan, Germany in 1838. In 1860 he was united in marriage to Miss Theresa Mehring. In 1869 they came to this country and settled in Illinois. After remaining there two years they moved to Carroll County and located on a farm in Sheridan township. There they lived for 26 years and raised a family of six children, who are, Albert, William, and August and Mrs A.W.Salmen of this city, Mrs Thomas Burns of Breda and Mrs P.J.Hatten of this city. Fourteen years ago the family removed to Carroll where they have sence made their home.
Mr. Onken was one of the well known pioneers in Sheridan township and was held in high esteem by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was an ideal citizen, kind, generous and upright in all his dealing with his fellow men. He was a faithful member of the Lutheran church. The funeral was largely attended by his old friends who wished to pay a tribute of respect to his memory. In death of Mr. Onken the community lost a good christian citizen and to the children was an honored and respected father
Carroll Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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