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Adolph G. Richter (1855-1911)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 4/14/2023 at 17:43:06

Adolph G. Richter
(June 19, 1855 - 1911)

This well known citizen of Lake Creek Township is a man whose successful struggle with adverse circumstances shows what can be done by industry and economy, especially if a sensible wife seconds his efforts to secure a home and competence. Mr. Richter was born in Marquette, Michigan. June 19, 1855, and is a son of Carl and Henrietta (Rohl) Richter, both natives of Germany, the former born in the province of Prussia, and the latter near Wurtemberg. When a young man the father emigrated to America and his life was largely spent in Michigan and Minnesota. He made farming his chief occupation, but to some extent also engaged in railroad contracting and hotel keeping. He died in Minnesota on the 11th of September, 1895, at the age of seventy years, honored and respected by all who knew him. His wife, who was born July 4, 1830, is still living in that state. Their family consisted of six children, four of whom are now living, namely: Adolph G., Amos C, Frank and Mrs. Minnie Hanks. Mr. Richter of this review spent his boyhood and youth in his native state, and is indebted to its public schools for his educational privileges. At the age of eighteen years he learned the trades of painting and paper-hanging, which he follows to some extent up to the present time. His first purchase of land was a tract of forty acres in Minnesota, which he and his brother Amos
bought in partnership. He subsequently sold his interest to his brother, and coming to Calhoun County, Iowa, in March, 1882, he purchased his present farm in Lake Creek Township. It consisted of one hundred and eighteen acres of raw land, for which he paid seven dollars and a half per acre. It has been cleared from indebtedness by the sale of the products raised thereon. Mr. Richter carries on mixed farming, raising about fifty acres of corn and twenty acres
of small grain annually, and keeping about thirty head of shorthorn cattle. Upon his place he has built a fine barn, thirty-four by
fifty feet in dimensions, with twenty foot posts, and forty-three feet high, and in 1901 he also erected a comfortable and substantial
residence. He has made all of the improvements upon the place, and today has one of the best appointed farms in the township.
On the 22d of April, 1880, Mr. Richter led to the marriage altar Miss Sarah Iwig, who was born in Tazwell County, Illinois, October 14, 1857, a daughter of Philip and Mary (Ramige) Iwig. Her father was born in Germany, in 1830, but her mother was a native of New York, born in 1833. Mr. and Mrs. Richter have four children,
whose names and dates of birth are as follows: Emma E., January 14, 1881; George Walter, June 20, 1884; Minnie M., June 30, 1888; and Annie L., June 24, 1892. The family attend the United Evangelical church, and Mr. Richter gives his political support
to the men and measures of the Republican party. He is a hard working, energetic man, and his success in life is due entirely
to his own industry, good management and the assistance of his estimable wife. [Source - Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S. J. Clarke, 1902, p.505]


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