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Mike D. Campbell (1871-1964)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 11/3/2022 at 22:13:25

Mike D. Campbell
September 4, 1871 – April 21, 1964)

Mike D. Campbell is one of the enterprising young farmers of Calhoun County, his home being on section in Greenfield Township. He was born in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, September 4, 1871. His father, Peter Campbell, was a native of Ohio, born July 30, 1842, and was a son of A. B. Campbell. In early youth he accompanied his parents on their removal to Illinois and worked upon his father's farm in that state until after the Civil war was begun, when he joined Company A. First Regiment of the United States Volunteer Engineers, being enrolled in the 22nd of August, 1862, to serve three years. He received an honorable discharge June 30. 1865, at Nashville. Under the command of Captain William Loughlin, he rendered valuable service and won distinction at Chattanooga. He was at the head of the Pontoon expedition and his ability in the line of the duties entrusted to him made his services most valued. During the war he was united in marriage to Rosetta Stormer, a native of Tennessee, in which state they were married. After the cessation of hostilities he returned to Illinois and worked upon the home farm until the spring of 1873, when with his family he came to Iowa, settling only two miles from Twin Lakes on a homestead of forty acres. He afterward rented land for a few years and then purchased a tract in Center Township, upon which he made his home for about six years. On the expiration of that period he removed to another farm of one hundred and sixty acres in the same township, making it the place of his abode until his death, which occurred September 14, 1892, when he was about fifty years of age. In politics he was a Republican, having firm faith in the principles of the party. His wife, who was born April 4. 1847, survived him until the 6th of August, 1899, passing away at the age of fifty-two years. In their family were nine children: Mary, the wife of L. Soper, of Emmetsburg, Iowa; William, who is living in Mineral Springs, Wisconsin; Mike D.; A. B., a resident of Calhoun County; Hattie, the wife of Ned Sandquist, of Crystal Lake; Lee and Arthur, who are also living in Calhoun County; Mortie and Millie M., twins, born in this county, April 23, 1885. In the district schools Mike D. Campbell pursued his education. He was only about two years old when his parents came to Calhoun County and here he was reared and educated, remaining under the parental roof until nineteen years of age. Me then began earning Ins own living by working as a farm hand by the month, a pursuit which he followed for six years, after which he began farming on his own account. Throughout his entire life he has carried on agricultural pursuits. After his marriage he rented a farm in Center township for three years, and when his labors had brought to him sufficient capital he purchased eighty acres of land in Greenfield Township, comprising the west half of the southwest quarter of section 12. Since then he has bought an adjoining eighty acres so that he now owns an entire quarter section, a greater part of which he has under a high state of cultivation. He has tilled the place, made excellent improvements upon it and is now extensively and successfully engaged in buying and selling stock. When he first came to Calhoun County with his parents the country was full of sloughs, and there were thousands of muskrat houses. He tracked muskrats, making considerable money by selling their skins. The land was a tract of unbroken prairie and blackbirds were numerous and occasioned considerable detriment to the crops. There were also wild cranes and ducks and the latter furnished many a meal for the pioneer settlers. Severe storms made travel almost impossible at times in the winter, and Mr. Campbell remembers to have seen blizzards continue
for three days when the snow was so blinding that it was almost impossible to see more than a few feet ahead of one. On the 2nd of December, 1896, in Rockwell City, Mr. Campbell was united in marriage to Miss Charlotte Judge, who was born in Calhoun County, May 30, 1874, and is a daughter of W. H. and Olive A. (Davis) Judge, who were natives of Hastings, Sussex County, England. In their family were nine children: Annie, the wife of Thomas Leith; John and Thomas, who died in infancy; Eliza, who died at the age of three years; Ellen, the wife of Frank Hulett; George, of Dallas county, Iowa; Henry, who is living in Manson; Mrs. Campbell of this review; and Elizabeth, the wife of Ben Campbell. The father died in July, 1889, but Mrs. Judge is still living, her home being now in Manson. The marriage of our subject and his wife has been blessed with three children: Guy F., born November 29, 1897; Delila E., born September 4, 1899; and Christmas Fern, born December 29, 1961. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are widely known in Calhoun County where they have so long resided and their circle of friends is almost coextensive with their circle of acquaintances. Mr. Campbell belongs to the B. A. Y., and in his political views he is a Republican, but has never sought or desired office, preferring to give his entire attention to his business in which he is now meeting with good success, being accounted one of the prosperous and progressive young stock raisers of Calhoun County. [Source – Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S.J. Clarke, 1902, p.431]


Calhoun Biographies maintained by Karon S. Valeu.
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