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Malcolm Peterson (1867-1950)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 11/3/2022 at 21:50:33

Malcolm Peterson
December 27, 1867 – 1950)

Though no land is richer in opportunities or offers greater advantages to its citizens than America, success is not to be obtained through desire, but must be persistently sought. In America "labor is king," and the man who resolutely sets to work to accomplish a purpose is certain of success if he has but the qualities of perseverance, untiring energy and practical common sense. Malcolm Peterson is one whose career excites the admiration and gains the respect of all, for through his diligence and persistent
purpose he has won a leading place in the business circles of Pomeroy, where he is now proprietor of an elevator and is engaged not only in dealing in grain and feed, but also in coal.
Mr. Peterson was born in Sweden, December 27, 1867. His parents, John A. and Anna Peterson, were also natives of that country, the former born January 1, 1833, the latter May 15. 1829. In 1868 the father, with two of his daughters and one son older than our subject, crossed the Atlantic to the new world and made preparation for a home for the other members of the family. In 1869 the mother came, bringing with her two sons, one of whom was Malcolm, of this review. The family home was first in Henderson County, Illinois, where the father secured a farm and carried on agricultural pursuits for four years. When that period had elapsed he removed to Webster County, Iowa, settling in Pleasant Valley Township, where for a time he conducted a boarding house at Coalville, and later engaged in farming near there for about fifteen years. In the year 1892 he became a resident of Pomeroy. where his wife died in 1900, but he is still living and is sixty-seven years of age. This worthy couple were the parents of five children, as follows: Josephine, the wife of J. M. Johnson, of Fort Dodge, now deceased; Ida, who married J. M. Mericle, of Fort Dodge; G. B., who is engaged in general merchandising in Pomeroy: A. J., a traveling man, who makes his home in Webster City; and our subject. Malcolm Peterson acquired his early education in Coalville and later continued his studies in the Fort Dodge Collegiate Institute, where he pursued a business course. On putting aside his text-books he returned to the home farm and assisted in the cultivation and improvement of the fields until the 15th of October, 1891, when he was married, the lady of his choice being Miss Helma Ericcson, a daughter of John Ericcson. She was born in Sweden July 8, 1873, and by her marriage has become the mother of three interesting children: Jessie, born December 13, 1892; Marie, born March 21, 1894; and John, born September 8, 1896. Mr. Peterson and his wife began their domestic life upon a farm which continued to be their residence until 1894, when they came to Calhoun County. Here he worked in a genera] mercantile store until 1895, when he purchased an elevator and has since been engaged in buying and selling grain and in dealing in coal and feed. In June, 1897, his elevator was destroyed by fire, but before September he had erected a new one. His business is steadily increasing, owing to his honorable methods, his straightforward dealing and his enterprise, and now he derives from his sales a good annual income. In connection with his brother he owns two hundred and forty acres of valuable land in Pocahontas County, and he also has his own home in Pomeroy. Mr. Peterson exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party, but has never sought or desired office. He belongs to the Presbyterian church and to Solar Lodge, No. 475. F. & A. M. He likewise holds membership in the Modern Woodmen camp and served as venerable consul for one term. He has the thrift and perseverance so characteristic of people of his native land, and he possesses the enterprising spirit of the west. He is very true to his adopted country, and does everything in his power to promote the growth, upbuilding and substantial improvement of Pomeroy and Calhoun County. [Source – Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S.J. Clarke, 1902, p.419]


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