Keister, William A. (1831-1902)
Posted By: Karen~Volunteer (email)
Date: 5/20/2021 at 11:54:28
Death of W. A. Keister.
The announcement of the death of W. A. Keister on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 12, 1902, brought sorrow to the hearts of many people in Greene and Butler county where he has lived so long and was so well known and highly esteemed.As is well known to all, the deceased has been in poor health for many years, in fact ever since he returned from service in the war of the rebellion. We give below the facts in regard to his ‘life as far as we were able to obtain them:
Wm. A. Keister was born in Ohio in 1831, was married to Mary J. Miller in Wayne county, Indiana, Feb, 3, 1852. They moved to Butler county in 1855, where the family has made their home ever since. The wife of the deceased preceded him to the beyond, Nov. 30, 1888.
Ten children were born to them, seven of whom are living: Mrs. R. Simmons, of Cedar Falls, Iowa; Mrs. H. Williams, of Faribault, Minn.; J. A. Keister, of Webster City, Iowa; M. W . Keister, of Greene; Mrs. S. T. Beaty, of Monona, Iowa; Mrs. O. W. Hardman, of Root’s Siding; Mrs. Ed. Ashline, of Clarksville.
The deceased enlisted in Co. G, 32nd Reg. Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in April 1862 and served through the war. He served as a member of the board of supervisors of Butler county for a number of terms. He was appointed postmaster of Greene, Iowa, by President Harrison and served four years.
During the past few years the deceased has been living with his children, and spent his last days at the home of Dick Hardman near Root’s Siding. The family and many relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
The funeral was held this afternoon at 1:00 o’clock at the home of Dick Hardman, Rev. Cole conducting the services, after which the remains were laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery. Greene Post No, 200 G. A. R. of which organization the deceased was an honored member, had charge of the services at the grave. Greene Press.
Source: Clarksville Star, Page5, 1902-02-20
Butler Obituaries maintained by Karen De Groote.
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