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Perry, Mary Elizabeth 1845-1928


Posted By: Geo Clinton (email)
Date: 6/14/2016 at 15:21:54

STORM LAKE PILOT TRIBUNE - March 1, 1928 - Mrs Mary E Perry, former well known resident of Storm Lake for 30 years, passed away at her home in Mason City early Friday morning, Feb 24, after an illness of over 5 months. Her three daughters and one son were with her at the time of her death.

Funeral services were held in Mason City at the Bonner Funeral Home Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs E.G. Smith, Mrs Ella Densmore, and Mrs Claire Densmore accompanied the body to Storm Lake Monday, where interment was made in the Storm Lake cemetery, beside her husband who passed away in 1914.

Mary Elizabeth Tryon was born in New York state, Feb 12, 1845, and at the time of her death was 79 years and 12 days old. When a young girl she came to Minnesota with her parents. There she received her education and grew to young womanhood. In 1861 she was married to Silas Clark Perry, at Waukon, Iowa.

To this union were born seven children, two dying in infancy. Three daughters and one son survive her. They are Mrs. Ella Dinsmore of Des Moines; Mrs. E.O. Smith and Miss Retta Perry, of Mason City; T.C. Perry, of Little Falls, Minn.

A daughter, Mrs. Edith Halpenny, passed away 18 years ago.

In 1866, Mr. and Mrs. Perry came to Allamakee county and settled on their farm, near Postville, where they lived for 26 years. At that time, Iowa was a raw wilderness and Mrs. Perry was one of the pioneer women of strong character, who undaunted by hardships and difficulties, made a home in this rugged country and reared her family.

In 1892 they retired from their farm and moved to Storm Lake, where she made her home until seven years ago, when she went to Mason City, where she made her home with her daughter, Miss Retta Perry, until the time of her death.

While in Postville she became a member of the United Brethren church and, when she came to Storm Lake, she united with Lakeside Presbyterian church. She was self-sacrificing to her family and friends, she was hospitable and always ready to help anyone in need.


Buena Vista Obituaries maintained by LaVern Velau.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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