Heath, Evalyn Gertrude (1893-1899)
Posted By: Ken Akers (email)
Date: 8/30/2016 at 22:12:15
Audubon County Journal (IA)
Thursday, Oct. 5, 1899, pg. 8OAKFIELD---BRAYTON
Evalyn Gertrude Heath's Death.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Heath, of Brayton, was darkened on
last Friday morning by the death of
their eldest daughter, Evalyn Ger-
trude. The shadows are all the deep-
er because they had thought the little
one was on a fair way to health. She
had been quite sick of fever but had
so far recovered as to be about the
house, and when least expected the
summons came and the little one
went up to Him who said: "of such
is the kingdom of heaven." The fun-
eral services were conducted Saturday
at 2 p. m., at the Baptist church in
Brayton, Rev. Wissler conducted the
services. The body was laid to rest
in the Oakfield cemetery.Evalyn Gertrude Heath was born
November 7, 1893, died September
29, 1899. Those afflicted parents have
the sympathy of all friends in this
community in this double affliction.Laughing and bright were her innocent eyes,
Of light brown hue her hair;
Her voice like the sky lark's song in the skies
On a summer morning fair.
The hop and skip of her nimble feet
Made music in the home;
And her motherly air was cunning and sweet
As she bid her dolly "Come."
And lovingly clasped it to her breast
And sung a lullaby,
As a mother who sings her baby to rest
When the evening shadow's fly.
But never again, on earth, will a ray
Of light from her eyes be shed;
No more will the gentle breezes play
With the locks that crown her haad,
No more will the sound of her nimble feet
Make music in the home,
And never again will her voice so sweet,
Invite her dolly to come.
But blessed be God, though closed her eyes
To parents and baby and home,
They'll be opened again in glad surprise
Above the azure dome.
Her beautiful hair will be gently fanned
By the zephyrs of God's own love,
And she'd walk with the beautiful angel band,
Through the golden streets above.
Even now her immortal spirit dwells
And sings in that happy home,
And the song of praise translated gives
The invitation "Come."
Not to dolly--but father and mother and all
Is this invitation again.
Oh, may we say "yes" to this angel's call
And meet little Gertrude in heaven.
-CHILDREN'S FRIEND.Note: Parents of Evalyn Gertrude Heath were Frank Byron Heath and Ida E. Merrick.
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