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William Moore


Posted By: Renee Rimmert (email)
Date: 10/27/2021 at 17:27:35

Centerville Journal
Thursday, September 4, 1902
Page 4

Horrible Accidental Shooting

M. McFarland accidentally shoots his friend, Wm. Moore, and instantly kills him. Boys were chums for many years.

As a result of careless handling of a revolver and its accidental discharge. William Moore, the 21 year old son of Mansfield Moore, living two miles south west of Sedan, is dead and his life long chum and friend M. McFarland is overcome with grief at the accident.

Monday afternoon, about three o'clock, the two boys came to the McFarland home, after having been on a shooting expedition over the surrounding place. They went to the kitchen of the house and while there took their pistols from their pockets to examine and clean them up. Something went wrong with Moore's revolver and he said it would not work. He handed it, with the muzzle pointed toward himself, to McFarland and in some manner, when the latter took hold of it, he pressed the trigger and bullet was discharged. It struck Moore in the center and top of the breast at the lower point of the neck and he fell to the floor.

McFarland immediately ran as fast as possible to near by field, where his father, was working, and apprised him of the horrible accident. They hurried back to the scene, accompanied by a Mr. Albertson and Robt. McClasky, but when they arrived Moore was dead.

They found him lying face down ward on a bed in the room with the blood oozing from the bullet hole in his breast. He had, in his death struggle, raised himself from the floor and flung his body on the (bed) where he was found.

The gun with which the shooting was done, was a 38 caliber revolver of the double action variety. McFarland's revolver was unloaded at the time they were examining them.

As soon as possible after the accident a telephone message was sent to Centerville for the Coroner and County Attorney Probasco. They left for the scene and learned the facts in the case. As it was clearly an accident no verdict was rendered by the coroner and they returned to this city.

Both boys are well known in this city where the news of the sad accident came as a terrible shock. McFarland is the son of H. D. McFarland one of Caldwell Township's highly respected citizens. The dead boy, Moore, is the son of Mansfield Moore a prosperous and well known farmer of the same district.

The funeral was held Tuesday evening from Zoar Chapel, five miles south east of Exline, interment being made in the church yard.


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