This shy young woman was born in Parkersburg, IA, in 1888. After spending her youth in her hometown, she came to Waterloo and entered upon the Latin course in 1902. She is distinguished for her flowery translations. She is a standing member of the Philomel chorus.
"Peter" was born Jan. 18, 1886, in LeRoy, IL. Early in life he moved to Webster City and thence arrived in Waterloo Sept.1, 1905. In our High School he has pursued the English and athletic courses and has faithfully maintainted the following positions while in Waterloo: sergeant at arms of class '06 (1906), treasurer of class '07 (1907), business manager of annual basketball '07 (1907), football '05 (1905), baseball '07 (1907), Lowell Society.
According to her own statement Ethel first put in appearance by the banks of the "Placid Cedar' in the city of Cedar Falls sometime before the war (Russo-Japanese). She entered West High in '03 (1903) and immediately showed her wisdom by adopting English as her course of study. Ethel puts a special stress on the fact that she is the class sergeant at arms. She is a member of the Lowell society and the Philomel chorus.