1850 US Census
Blackhawk County, Iowa
The Census was taken on Sept. 23, 1850, by Elijah Evans, Ass't Marshal. I listed the columns, etc., and went to the last page to get the recaps. There were 79 Males and 56 females for a total of 135. The total number of families listed was 26 (this, of course, meaning there were lots of people listed at the same dwelling house.]. I also listed the totals for the occupations, and when they were not farmers or laborers, I indicated the name of the person, as best I was able to decipher. As you can see, there were no professions listed. The trapper, of course was from Canada. I tried to decipher the totals for each state the person said he was born, but Mr. Evans' numbers are hard to decipher. The majority were from Ohio, 21 from Iowa, 5 from Michigan, 4 from Vermont, 1 from Mass; 13 from Penn (Pennsylvania); 2 from VA, and, of course, the 4 from KY being the Virdens [spelled Verdin in the census].
District No. 11, in the County of Black Hawk, State of IOWA; enumerated by me, on the 23rd day of Sept., 1850, ELIJAH EVANS, ASS’T MARSHAL
Col 1) Dwelling house numbered in the order of visitation; Col. 2) Families numbered in the order of visitation; Col. 3) The Name of every Person, whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1850, was in this family; Col. 4) Age; Col. 5) Sex; Col. 6) White, Color (black or unknown); Col. 7) Profession, Occupation, or title of each Male Person over 15 years of age; Col. 8) Value of Real Estate owned; Col. 9): Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country; Col. 10) Married Within the year; Col. 11) Attended School within the year; Col. 12) Persons Over 50 years of age who cannot read or write; Col. 13) Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict.
Summary: Actual page No. on the Census was 122
Source: M432, Roll 182, page 61
Born in: KY 04 [America Mullin; James Verdin; Daniel Verdin; William Verdin]
TOTAL MALES: 79; TOTAL FEMALES 56; TOTAL of ALL: 135; Total Dwelling Houses 26; Attending School 4.0; Read 3.6
Professions NONE
BKS (Blacksmith) 01 [Linan P. Curlass from NJ or NY]
Carpenters 01 [Samuel Wick of Ohio]
Farmers 30
Laborers 13
Sawyers 02 [Dempsey Overman of OH and Edwin Brown of OH]
Trappers 01 [E. Paul Lav?? of Canada] (Difficult to Read)