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Audubon County


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Our Town

Pages 4-5 Our Town, Kimballton, Iowa Circa 1922


On that evening the whole town will be decked out in gala attire; the windows of the stores will be beautifully decorated and the streets illuminated.

Every day and every evening thereafter the celebration goes merrily on. The merchants will have any and all articles for you to choose from, that any shopper might wish for. What is more, everything in the stores in Kimballton will be offered for sale at as a low price to you as can possibly be made. The business men are going to pro0ve to you that it pays to trade in Kimballton.


Every evening at 8 o'clock a free entertainment will be staged at the bandstand. Short programs of varying nature, singing, speaking, recitations, music, etc., will be given. Programs that will make the listeners realize that the beautiful yuletide is near. No silly, cheap entertainment will be put on; we want to offer you the best only all through this week and the programs will be clean and sweet, jolly and wholesome. Don't miss one of them and be sure to bring the children.


Then on the last business day before Xmas, Saturday, December 23rd, Kimballton invites every man, woman and child that is in town between eleven and one o'clock to be their guests at a lunch given at the Opera House. Fresh buns, spicy hot dogs and steaming coffee will be served. There will be enough for all and all are welcome. The ladies of the town will act as hostesses. Music will be furnished during the lunch hours and everything will be done to make it enjoyable.

On the evening of the 23rd a special Xmas program will be given at the bandstand. The committee in charge of this hopes to make this program especially beautiful and fine. Don't miss it!


You will wonder why Kimballton is doing this. There are two reasons:

1. We Kimballton business men want to do this to show you our appreciation. You have been loyal to this town during the times when conditions made it hard for us to do much more than just hang on to our respective busineses.

The times have been equally hard for you and yet we feel you've made every effort to help us along as best you could. We have tried to reciprocate by doing all we could to help you in return; between us we've pulled through and few of us are much the worse for wear; on the contrary we have learned some things that will help us in the future.

That's one reason.

2. Conditions are improving; it may be slowly, but there is a decided change for the better; a steady advance in prices; all in all, better times are ahead; and so we want to show you that we are ready for them and for you.

We want to show you that Kimballton is awake and ready for work. That's the other reason.


No one too rich, no one too poor,

To find a welcome at our door,

But wear a smile! To ev'ry guest

We make this cordial request:

"Just wear a smile."

If you don't feel like smiling on the outside, when you come to our celebration, then smile on the inside; it will seep through and we'll feel it, even if it doesn't show.

In olden times when towns wished to put on a festive air, a candle was placed in every window facing on the street. As darkness came on, these candles were lit and in this manner the whole town was illuminated.

What a lighted candle is to a window, a smile is to a face.

Let's illuminate our faces for the Yuletide approaching.

Let's light our candles and put on a festive air,

Let's wear a smile--the kind of smile that comes from the heart and shines clear through.


Christmas Candles Graphic

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, August, 2021. View original page image at top; click to enlarge.

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