updated 11/28/2020
Hanover #2 school
Hanover twp.
close-up of students & teacher:
The above photo was originally posted with a Query from Liz Stewart in August 2020. Liz's grandmother Nora (Gallagher) Hector, daughter of Thomas & Margaret (Bresnahan) Gallagher was born in 1884. She taught school between 1900 & 1905. Liz wrote: "The face on the teacher in this photo is quite thin and I don’t believe it is Nora. My mother told me that Nora said this was the class that she taught in the Hanover area. She may have meant that this was a class she was in, or this was the school she taught in but not her - I don’t know but would love to see if anyone can help me identify the year, the teacher, or the location of the school."
November 2020: Tammy O'Hare Kuhn: "The looks like Jessie Marsden. In 1909 Jessie taught at Hanover twp.district no. 2. The names of the pupils (1909) are Anna Riley, Hazel Riley, Thomas O'Hare, John Quillen, Leonard Quillen, Harold Oakes, Joseph O'Hare, Jerry O'Hare, Maurice Gallagher, John Griffin, Harris Ellingson, Kenneth Ellingson, Mildred Ellingson, Mable Ellingson, Emily Griffin, Tessie Griffin, Anna Ward, Catherine Ward, Florence Quillen, Francis Quillen, Mary 'OHare, John O'Hare, Annastasia Gallagher, Loretta Gallagher, May Ward, Nettie Halverson, Clara Halverson."
~photo taken by S. Ferrall,
Sept. 2004