IAGenWeb Project - Allamakee co. Misc. Historical Items
new content added 06/6/2024

Misc. History index
Birth Records Index

Hall Maternity Hospital
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa

Hall Maternity Hospital
Hall Maternity Hospital, E. Main St., Waukon

I ran across this picture I took several years back, don’t remember the year.  It was called the Hall House & it was used as a maternity hospital years ago.  My 3 oldest siblings were born there ca: 1930’s.  I don’t know how long it was in use prior or after that time.  The house sustained fire damage & was scheduled for demolition so I made a trip to town to get the picture of it before it was torn down...... Jan Warner, May 2011


The Hall Hospital was a private maternity hospital with 8 beds and 6 bassinets. In 1922 the hospital recorded 52 births.
~Adoption Agencies, Orphanages and Maternity Homes: An Historical Directory; Compiled by Reg Niles, 1981.

The hospital was in operation from ca1920 until the late 1940s or early 1950.

Catherine Donavon Hall, daughter of Daniel Donavon and Catherine Coughlin, was born in Iowa, July 16, 1865. She married Thomas Andrew Hall and they lived in Waukon. Thomas died September 14, 1922. The 1925 Iowa State census enumerated Catherine on E. Main St., Waukon, her occupation was performing 'personal services'. The 1930 Federal census enumerated Catherine (age 58) on E. Main St. She gave as her occupation 'Superintendent of the Maternity Hospital'. Catherine Hall died May 27, 1958 and is buried next to her husband in Mt. Olivet cemetery. ~Obituary


Waukon, Ia., April 3 - The old Hall home, known to all as the "Hall Maternity Hospital," has been purchased from the heirs by Mrs. Thomas Hall of this city, who will continue to conduct a maternity hospital. The building, a spacious edifice, was erected about forty years ago by John Eddy, a pioneer Waukon resident, and purchased by Mrs. James Hall about twenty years ago. She continued to reside there up to the time of her death, about seven years ago, at which time Mrs. Thomas Hall opened up Waukon's first maternity hospital.

During this period of time, Mrs. Hall has looked after the care and welfare of three hundred infants, only one pair of twins being born, those of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsden of West Ridge, who are the parents of twin daughters.
~Dubuque Telegraph Herald and Times Journal, April 3, 1929


Mrs. Catherine Hall is recovering from burns she received the past week when she was drenched with a boiler of hot suds, related the Waukon Democrat. It was wash day at the maternity hospital and Mrs. Hall had assisted in taking a boiler of hot suds from the stove to empty into a tub. The boiler slipped out of her hand and the boiling contents struck both knees, a foot and her left hand, inflicting deep and painful burns from which she has suffered intensely.
~Postville Herald, February 1931


Waukon, Ia. - Mrs. Catherine Hall, who has operated the Hall Maternity Hospital here the past 16 years, has leased the business to Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Stults of Rochester, Minn. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, March 14, 1938


Waukon, Ia. - the former Hall Maternity Hospital, on East Main Street, has been leased by the city hospital trustees for use as a city hospital and will be known as the Waukon Emergency Hospital. It will be used until labor and material will be available for the construction of a new hospital, funds for which will be obtained through a bond issue recently voted in a municipal election. Mrs. Catherine Hall will be business manager and Mrs. George Hall will be superintendent of nurses. The hospital will be open to receive patients Thursday, May 4. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, April 28, 1944


Births in the Hall Maternity Hospital

The compiled list of births were found in newspaper announcements & obituaries and are researcher-contributed. If you can add to the list, email the Allamakee co. coordinator. Unless otherwise credited the births were added by S. Ferrall.

Kaeser - December 1920
- John Clifford Kaeser was born December 28, 1920, at the Hall Hospital in Waukon, son of Charles and Katherine (Donnegan) Kaeser. ~from his obituary in the Clayton County Register, Dec. 3, 1997
Hageman - November 1922
- A baby daughter was born to Mrs. Will Hageman at the Hall maternity hospital Saturday forenoon. Mr. Hageman had come in off the road the night before, was just in time to welcome the stranger. The little girl is doubly welcome as the other two children are boys. Mother and child getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Nov 29, 1922; pg 2 (Waukon column)
Waters - December 1922
- At the Hall maternity hospital Sunday evening a baby daughter was born to Mrs. C.H. Waters, living six miles north of Postville, but only survived its birth a short time. The mother is getting along all right. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1922; pg 2 (Waukon column)
Finnegan - February 1923
- A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Finngan Jr. at the Mrs. Tom Hall maternity hospital in Waukon last week. Congratulations. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1923; pg 1 (Harpers Ferry column)
Hermanson - April 1923
- Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Hermanson of Waterville are the happy parents of a baby boy born Saturday morning at the Hall maternity hospital. AND: Mrs. Halvor Hermansons and baby boy, who was at the Hall hospital in this city during her confinement, was able to return with her husband to her home in Paint Creek township Friday.
~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Apr 4 & 18, 1923
Dempsey - July 1923
- A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Dempsey of Lansing at the Hall maternity hospital in this city Saturday. They are getting along nicely and we are willing to hazard a guess that Joe is highly pleased with the idea of a son and heir. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, July 11, 1923; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Gallagher - September 1923
- Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher of Hanover township became the parents of a baby daughter Tuesday of las week. The little one was born at the Hall maternity hospital in this city and, with the mother, is getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1923; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Neuman - October 1923
- A fine baby boy was born to Mrs. Henry Neuman of New Albin Wednesday of last week at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1923; pg 4 (Waukon column)

McShane - October 1923
- Mr. and Mrs. George McShane became the happy parents of a baby daughter, their first born, last Wednesday evening. The mother will be remembered as Miss Martha Koehring and they are being cared for at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1923; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Edwards - November 1923
- Mr. and Mrs. F. Edwards became parents of a baby daughter Saturday evening. The interesting event took place at the Hall maternity hospital and the mother and child are getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1923; pg 4 (Waukon column)

McMorrow - November 1923
- A fine baby boy was born Monday of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Will McMorrow of Union Prairie township. Bith took place at the Hall maternity hospital and the mother and child are getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1923; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Sander - December 1923
- We inadvertently missed mentioning the birth of a baby boy, their first born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sander. The happy event took place Dec. 27 at the Hall maternity hospital and makes Grandpa and Grandma out of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Dravis. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Jan 9, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Sweeny - January 1924
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sweeny, Jr., of Lycurgus, a boy baby, at the Mrs. Hall hospital in Waukon. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Wed., January 9, 1924 (Lycurgus column) and another announcement:
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sweeney were the recipients of a splendid Christmas present, a fine baby boy, born Christmas Day at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Jan 2, 1924; pg 1

Collins - January 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Collins of this city became the happy parents of a boy last Friday evening, born at the Hall maternity hospital. Mother and child getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal, Wednesday, January 23, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Kaveny - January 1924
- At the Hall maternity hospital last Wednesday, Mrs. John Kaveny gave birth to a sweet little baby girl and the mother and child are getting along fine. the two other children in the family are boys so a little girl was just what was wanted. ~Allamakee Journal, Wednesday, January 23, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Quillin - February 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Quillin of this city became the happy parents of a baby boy last Wednesday. The little one was born at the Hall Maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Feb 27, 1924; pg 1
Lyons - March 1924
- Mrs. Thomas Lyons of Dorchester gave birth to a fine baby boy, tipping the scales at ten and a helf pounds, at the Hall maternity hospital Wednesday of last week. Mother and child getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, March 12, 1924; pg 1

O'Maley - March 1924
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Maley of Hanover township welcomed a baby daughter as an addition to their family Wednesday of last week, its birth occurring at the Hall maternity hospital in this city. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, March 26, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Lenz - April 1924
- Mrs. Harry Lenz, residing near Church, gave birth to a fine boy at the Hall Maternity hospital Monday morning. Mother and child doing well. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, April 16, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Danaher - May 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Danaher of this city became the parents of a fine baby boy Monday. The little one was born at the Hall maternity hospital and the mother and child are doing well. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, May 21, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Whalen - May 1924
- A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whalen of French Creek township Friday at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, May 21, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Cunningham - June 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cunningham are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a ten and a half pound baby daugher, born to them Saturday at the Hall Maternity Hospital. Mother and child getting along fine. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, July 2, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Howes & Welch - June 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Howes of Union Prairie township, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Welch of this city are the proud parents of baby boys, born at the Hall materity hospital, the former on Thursday and the latter Friday. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, July 2, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Fitzgerald - July 1924
- Leo Fitzgerald Jr., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitzgerald on Saturday July 19th and passed away the next day. ~Obituary

Ryan - July 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ryan of Thompson's Corners, the latter formerly Miss Margaret Mullaney of Jefferson township, mourn the loss of a fine baby boy born at the Hall Maternity Hospital Monday of last week. The little one was vouchsafed to them for but a short time, taking its flight to its heavenly home a few hours after its birth. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, July 23, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column) ~Obituary

Ray & O'Maley - July 1924
- Last Wednesday, at the Hall Maternity hospital in this city, a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray of Union Prairie township, and a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. James O'Maley of Lycurgus. Both mothers and babies are getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, July 30, 1924 (Waukon news column) [note: likely the same families as reported in the Dubuque paper 8/6/1924; unknown if correct surname of the latter is Mealoy or O'Maley; see below]
Zoll - July or August 1924
- A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Zoll of French Creek a week ago last Thursday at the Hall maternity hospital in this city. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, August 13, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Gaston - August 1924
Prof. and Mrs. F.S. Gaston are the happy parents of a baby girl, their first born, which arrived Sunday at the Hall maternity hospital. The mother and child are getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, August 13, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Richter - August 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Belvel Richter became the proud and happy parents of a baby daughter, their first born, Wednesday afternoon of last week. The little one was born at the Hall Maternity hospital and has been named Jean Belvel. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Mealoy & Ray - September 1924
- At the Hall maternity hospital in this city a baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs. Robert Ray of Union Prairie township, and a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. James Mealoy of near Lycurgus. ~Dubuque Times Journal, Wed., Sept. 6, 1924; Waukon news column [note: likely the same families as reported in the Lansing paper 7/30/1924, unknown if correct surname of the latter is Mealoy or O'Maley, see above]

Byrnes - September 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Byrnes became the proud and happy parents of a fine baby boy born last Wednesday evening at the Hall maternity hospital, their first born. The mother was formerly Miss Florence Quillin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Quillin, and it is quite an interesting event to them as it puts them in the grandparent class. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Sept 17, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Nichols - October 1924
- A fine baby boy joined the family of County Agent Nichols last Thursday, which now consists of a girl and boy. the little one was born at the Hall Maternity hospital and mother and child are getting along nicely. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Norman - October 1924
- Berger Norman, shoe repairer with the Anderson Shoe Co., was feeling good Tuesday evening of last week when he informed us that he was to have an assistant. Come to find out it was a 9-pound baby boy born that day at the Hall Maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Gleisner - November 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gleisner are the happy parents of a baby daughter, their first experience as papa and mama. The little one was born at the Hall Maternity hospital Sunday. She will be named Jean and will celebrate her birthday on the same day as her mother. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)

Rumph - November 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rumph are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl in their family Sunday morning at the Hall maternity hospital. She will in time be a nice companion for her two little brothers. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Bahr - December 1924
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bahr of Ludlow township are the parents of a new baby boy born Tuesday of last week at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1924; pg 4 (Waukon column)
Hachlen - May 1927
- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hachlen are the happy parents of a winsome baby daughter, born to them this morning at the Hall hospital. This is the first event of the kind in their home and the little miss is assured of all the love and devotion her proud parents can bestow upon her. ~Waukon Democrat
Wheat - July 1927
- Dr. and Mrs. Wheat, formerly of Marquette, now of Waukon, became the parents of a baby boy on Friday last. this event gives them the happy family of a son and daughter. The mother and baby are receiving care at the Hall maternity hospital in Waukon. (originally published in the Waukon Democrat) ~North Iowa Times, Thursday, July 21, 1927
Pottratz - November 1927
- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hartley motored to Waukon Sunday to form the acquaintance of a little grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pottratz at the Hall Maternity Hospital. They now have a boy and a girl.
O'Brien - November 1927
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Brien became the happy parents of a fine baby boy, their first child, born at the Hall Maternity Hospital Monday. The mother and child are getting along nicely and the proud papa is receiving the congratulations of friends.
Hager - June 1928
- Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Hager of Ludlow are the happy parents of a baby daughter, says the Waukon Democrat, born to them Monday at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Postville Herald, Thurs., June 21, 1928
Hilmer & Herman - November 1928
-Something that don't often happen was the situation at the Hall Maternity Hospital recently, says the Waukon Journal, two sisters with new born babies being there at the same time. While Mrs. Albert Hilmer of Ludlow township and baby were being cared for Mrs. Gus Herman, living east of town, came to the hospital last Wednesday gave birth to a baby daughter. Both the ladies are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Flage of this city. ~Postville Herald, Nov. 15, 1928 (County News column)
Klepper - 1929
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Klepper are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born at the Hall hospital at Waukon on January 13th. ~Postville Herald, January 24, 1929
Cota - April 1929
- A baby boy, their second, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Denis Cota at the Hall Maternity Hospital last Thursday evening. Mother and child getting along nicely.
Todd - April 1929
- Tuesday night of last week Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd became the parents of a fine baby boy. The little one was born at the Hall Maternity Hospital, where the mother and child are receiving care.
Bulman - March 1930
- Sheriff and Mrs. Leonard Bulman have another boarder who will no doubt decide to remain with them permanently, as on Tuesday morning a winsome lassie was born to them at the Hall maternity hospital. This event gives them a family of three children, whose birthdays are six years apart. ~Postville Herald, March 13, 1930
O'Riley - April 1930
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred O'Riley have a nine-pound boy, born at the Hall maternity hospital Saturday. This event completes a trio of boys for the O'Rileys, but we venture to say this one was heartily welcomed into the family circle. ~Postville Herald, Thurs. April 3, 1930
Burke – April 23, 1930 
- Twins, Ramona Josephine and Raymond Joseph Burke, born to Thomas and Lucille (Kingsley) Burke April 23, 1930 ~source: obituary of Raymond, who passed away on 13 November 2019, Northgate Care Center, Waukon, Iowa. His twin sister, Ramona (Burke) Wardlow,  passed away on 7 October 2006 in Waterloo, Iowa. Ramona's obituary & Raymond's obituary - contributed by Connie L. Ellis
Ryder - September 1930
- A girl was born at Hall’s Wednesday to Mr. And Mrs. William Ryder of Cherry Mound ~Lansing paper clipping, Sept. 1930
Rea - October 1930
- A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rea of Union Prairie township at the Hall Maternity Hospital last Thursday, and mother and child are doing well.
Welper - October 1930
- Mrs. Otto Welper and baby girl returned Saturday from the Hall Maternity Hospital at Waukon.
Deviney - October 1930
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deviney of French Creek township became the happy parents of a fine baby boy Tuesday of last week. The little one was born at the Hall Maternity Hospital, where the mother and child are doing nicely.
Larson - November 1930
- Mrs. Henry Larson, living near Dorchester, gave birth to twin boys at the Hall Maternity Hospital last Thursday and the mother and children are getting along nicely.
Howe - November 1930
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Howe of Union Prairie township became the parents of a baby daughter born Wednesday of last week at the Hall Maternity Hospital. Mother and child getting along nicely.
Magnusson - January 1931
- Mrs. Herman Magnusson and new baby daughter returned from the Hall Maternity Hospital at Waukon, Sunday, and the little Miss has been busy getting acquainted with the Second street kids ever since.
Murphy - January 1931
- Born, Tuesday, Jan 27, at Hall Maternity Hospital, Waukon, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Murphy, of this city, a boy. Mother and child have since been doing nicely and Cyril receiving congratulations of many friends. (Lansing newspaper)
Loritz & Schelhamer - April 1931
- Two babies were born last Friday at the Hall Maternity Hospital, a girl to Mrs. George Schelhamer of Church and a boy to Mrs. Theodore Loritz of this city (Waukon).
O'Meara - May 1931
- Maria born May 17th to Mr. and Mrs. James O'Meara of Hanover twp. The infant died at birth. ~Obituary
Todd - June 1931
- Harry Todd was born at the Hall Maternity Hospital on June 1, 1931. Parents Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd. The infant died 2 days after birth. ~Obituary
Hansmeier - October 1931
- Edward and Hazel (Turk) Hansmeier became the parents of a daughter October 27, 1931 at the Hall Maternity hospital. They named her Arlene Hazel. Arlene would marry Bernard King. She passed away on February 24, 2022 at Waukon, Iowa.
~source: Arlene's obituary, Martin-Grau Funeral Home, Waukon, Iowa ~contributed by Connie Ellis
Groezinger - December 1931
- Twin boys, born at the Hall hospital Sunday morning to Mr. and Mrs Carl Groezinger died a few hours later. ~source: Obituary
O'Riley - February 1932
- County Agent Fred O'Riley was wearing a broad smile Wednesday morning on account of a ten-pound baby girl having been born to Mrs. O'Riley at the Hall maternity hospital. They have three sturdy boys in their family and this little Miss is very welcome. ~Postville Herald, Thurs. Feb. 11, 1932
Hageman - April 1932
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hageman of this city became the parents of a baby boy Friday. The little one was born at the Hall Maternity hospital, where the mother and child are getting along nicely. Their children now consist of a girl and a boy.
Keenan - April 1932
- The Stork left a nice eight pound boy at the Maternity hospital in Waukon for Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Keenan, on Friday, April 29. This puts O.C. Entwisle and wife in the grand parent class and they are quite happy about it. Mary could manage 30 children in the primary grade for six hours a day, but from now on she has a 24 hour job. ~Monona Leader, Thursday,, May 5, 1932
Hager - October 1932
- A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hager at the Waukon hospital, Friday, Oct. 7th. Postville Herald, Thurs. Oct 13, 1932, Frankville news (Note: interested researchers should verify that the birth was at the Hall Maternity Hospital; the same paper & issue noted visitors to Mrs. Erickon (below) at the hospital)

Erickson - October 1932
- An eight-pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Erickson at the Hall hospital at Waukon, Sunday morning, Oct. 9th.
Beardmore - January 1933
- A baby girl was born to Earl and Myrtle (Sadler) Beardmore on January 13, 1933 at the Hall Maternity Home in Waukon, Iowa. She was named Emma Jane Beardmore. ~Obituary for Emma Jane (Beardmore) Schoh, 1/13/1933 - 6/24/2021, published in the Waukon Standard, June 30, 2021 ~contributed by Connie (Kelly) Ellis
Gavin - April 1933
- A girl was born to Francis Gavin's at Hall Maternity in Waukon.
Schultz - September 1933
- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schultz, a baby boy, at the Hall hospital in Waukon. Mother and baby doing nicely. Mrs. Louis Schultz received word on Monday afternoon that a baby boy had come to gladden the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schultz, at the Hall hospital in Waukon. This puts Mrs. Schultz in the Grandma class.
Troendle, McCarthy, Roth & Warnock - October 1933
- Boys were born at the Hall Maternity Hospital to the Elmer Troendle's and Maurice McCarthy's.
- An unusual incident occurred at the Hall Maternity hospital Tuesday, when four babies were born, all being the first of its kind in the family. The parents are: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Troendle, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roth, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McCarthy, boy; and Prof. and Mrs. R.M. Warnock, a girl. ~Dubuque Telegraph Herald and Times Journal, Fri. October 6, 1933; Waukon news column
Kerndt - October 1933
- William Collins Kerndt is the name of the 8 1/2 pound baby boy who will make his permanent home hereafter with County Clerk T.E. Kerndt and wife. He arrived Saturday morning at the Hall maternity hospital and in due time will be a happy companion for little Miss Ann.
Ryan - April 1934
- Mr. & Mrs. Emmet Ryan, a son. Mrs. Ryan died of complications of the birth 9 days later. Mother was Gertrude (Ronan) Ryan ~source: Gertrude's obituary
Weymiller - December 1934
- Daughter of Fred and Ethel (Sadler) Weymiller. Shirley Ann Weymiller was born at the Hall Maternity Hospital in Waukon, Iowa on December 23, 1934.
~source: obituary of Shirley Ann (Weymiller) Bulman 1934-1995 ~contributed by Connie (Kelly) Ellis
Tousley - March 1935
- A seven and one-half pound baby daughter was born to Editor and Mrs. Albert S. Tousley last Thursday morning, March 7th. The mother and daughter are borth doing splendidly at the Hall hospital. The young lady will be christened Eunice Elizabeth. (originally published in the Waukon R. & S.) ~Monona Leader, Thursday, March 21, 1935
Hartong - May 1935
- A baby boy was born at the Hall Maternity hospital Monday of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartong of Center township, and the mother and child are getting along nicely. ~The Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, Wednesday, May 1, 1935, Lansing, Iowa, page 7 (Waukon column) ~contributed by Cindy Smith
Nelson - August 1935
- A nine pound baby girl was born Wednesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson. Mrs. Fred Strelow and daughter Norma and Mr. Roy Nelson were in Waukon Friday getting acquainted with Mr. and Mrs Nelson's new daughter at the Hall hospital. ~Monona Leader, Thursday, August 29, 1935 (Volney column)
McGeough – September 1935
- Bernard and Bernice (Meehan) McGeough became the parents of a baby daughter, Mary Ann Bernadette McGeough, at the Hall Maternity Hospital in Waukon, Iowa on September 29, 1935.
~Obituary from Fjelstul Funeral Home, Decorah, Iowa for Mary Ann Bernadette (McGeough) Madrigal, died February 11,2021 ~contributed by Connie (Kelly) Ellis
Kerr - November 1935
- Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr of Frankville became the parents of a baby boy born to them Sunday at the Hall maternity hospital, which gives them a family of two boys and a girl.
Butler - February 1936
- Rev. and Mrs. Fred Butler of Frankville are the proud parents of a little son born to them Wednesday morning last at the Hall maternity home in Waukon. He will be christened Keith John. The mother and baby are getting along nicely.
Tousley - March 1937
- An eight-pound daughter born to Editor and Mrs. Albert S. Tousley at the Hall hospital at 8:30 A.M. Tuesday may be responsible for this week's edition of the Waukon Republican and Standard appearing a little late, says the R. & S. While mother and baby who will be christened Dorothy Adele are doing very well, the arrival of a baby sister and companion for two-year old Eunice Elizabeth Tousley has made it impossible for the Editor to concentrate upon such matters as news stories and advertising. ~Monona Leader, Thursday, April 1, 1937
Larson - April 1937
- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Larson are the parents of a son born at the Hall hospital at Waukon Sunday, April 4th.
Kruger - April 1937
- A baby girl was born to Arthur and Esther (Winkie) Kruger on April 8, 1937 at the Hall Maternity Hospital. They named her Ruth Esther Kruger.  ~Obituary for Ruth E. (Kruger) Hanson, Martin Funeral Home, Ruth died January 18, 2019 ~contributed by Connie Ellis
Butler - May 1937
- Rev. and Mrs. Fred Butler of Frankville are the proud possessors of an eight-pound girl born to them Sunday at the Hall maternity hospital. ~Postville Herald, Thurs. May 6, 1937
Connor - October 1937
- Miles “Mike” and Virginia “Tiny” (Peyton) Connor became the parents of James Peyton Connor at the Hall House Maternity Hospital on October 11, 1937 in Waukon, Iowa. ~Martin Funeral Home obituary online ~contributed by Connie (Kelly) Ellis
Richter - November 1938
- There is an added fervency to Thanksgiving, no doubt, in the house of Richter this year by reason of a baby boy having joined their family circle Tuesday, the birth having taken place at the Hall maternity hospital, relates the Waukon Democrat. Folks will readily understand that the above refers to Attorney G.B. Richter and wife of Waukon. Mrs. Richter was formerly Miss Lacy Bell, music instructor in the Postville schools. ~Postville Herald, Thursday, December 1, 1938
Kirkeby - March 1939
- Peter Martin Kirkeby was born March 29 at the Hall Maternity Hospital. Parents Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Kirkeby. The infant died Wednesday, April 5, 1939. Obituary
Sunderman - August 14, 1940
- Mary Lou Sunderman – b. August 14, 1940, daughter of Kermit and Dorothy (Duggan) Sunderman ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis; source: obituary of Mary Lou (Sunderman) Buege
Ryan - February 1941
- Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ryan of Waterloo township are the parents of their second son who arrived Wednesday in the Hall maternity hospital.
Jeglum - May 1942
- Boyd Gilbert Jeglum, son of James R. and Emeline M. (Rema) Jeglum of Paint Creek Township, rural Waterville, Allamakee County, Iowa was born on May 27, 1942 at the Hull House Maternity Hospital in Waukon, Iowa. ~Obituary for Boyd G. Jeglum, Martin Funeral Home, Waukon, Iowa ~contributed by Connie Ellis
Jelinek - August 1942
- A daughter, their first child, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Jelinek of Postville, Tuesday, August 11, at the Hall Maternity hospital. Mrs. Jelinek is the former Martha Hager of Ludlow township. ~Waukon Democrat
Fellows - September 1942
- Mrs. John Fellows and baby daughter arrived home Saturday from the Hall hospital at Waukon. ~Waukon Democrat
Halverson - December 1945
- Lynn Charles and Virginia Maxine (Winter) Halverson became the parents of James Lynn Halverson on December 26, 1945 at Hall House in Waukon, Iowa. ~Source: Jim’s obituary. He passed away on May 6, 2023 at his home near Volney, Iowa ~contributed by Connie Ellis
Theis - January 1946
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Theis of Waukon, a girl January 28th. ~contributed by Connie Ellis (no source given), she notes the child's name was Linda Kathryn.
Sweeney - January 1946
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Sweeney of Waukon, a girl, January 29th. ~contributed by Connie Ellis (no source given), she notes the child's name was Sandra Lou
Aschom - October 4, 1946
- Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Aschom of Lansing, a girl. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis, child's name was Kathleen 'Kathy'
Kellison - January 31, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kellison of Waukon, a boy who died shortly after birth. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis, child's name was Timothy
Neverman - January 31, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neverman of Waukon, a boy. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis, child's name was Leslie
Elder - January 31, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elder of Harpers Ferry, a girl. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis
Schofield - February 1, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Don Schofield of Monona, a boy. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis
White - February 2, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter White of Monona, a boy. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis, child's name was Gary
Collins - February 5, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Collins of Lansing, a girl. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis
Kelly - February 5, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Forest Kelly of Monona, a girl. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis (this is Connie's birth announcement)
Monroe - February 6, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Monroe of Waukon, a girl. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis (per Aubrie Lenz Monroe: child's name was Patricia, she's my husband's aunt)
Aldrich - February 8, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Aldrich of Lansing, a boy. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis
Krumme - February 10, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Krumme of Lansing, a boy. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis, child's name was Allen
Wendel - February 10, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Wendel of Lansing, a boy. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis
Zimmerman - February 10, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Zimmerman of Lansing, a girl. ~contributed by Connie Kelly Ellis, child's name was Kay
Lippe - December 1949
- Carolyn 'Anne', born December 31, 1949 to Henry & Leone (Dougherty) Lippe at Hall's Maternity hospital in Waukon. ~source: Obituary


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