Sh - Sm


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NAME                            CEMETERY                         PAGE

Shackelton, John                Mt Hope                            34
Shackelton, Johnney R           Mt Hope                            34
Shackelton, Mary E              Mt Hope                            34
Shackelton, Sophia Ann Ogle     Mt Hope                            34
Shafer, ?                       Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Shafer, Carl F                  Bethlehem                         482
Shafer, Edward - A              Bethlehem                         482
Shafer, Ella Clara              Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Shafer, Elmer F                 Zalmona                           496
Shafer, Elsie L Klein           Bethlehem                         482
Shafer, Ernest H C              Bethlehem                         482
Shafer, Eunice Helen Kruger     Zalmona                           496
Shafer, Martha                  Bethlehem                         482
Shafer, Paul Henry              Bethlehem                         482
Shafer, William Fredrick        Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Shaff, Adaline                  Oakland - Main                    325
Shaff, Alvira                   Oakland - Main                    325
Shaff, Charlie - A              Oakland - Main                    325
Shaff, James                    Oakland - Main                    325
Shaff, Maud                     Oakland - Main                    325
Shaffer, Clara Marie Kostm      Bethlehem                         482
Shaffer, Olene M                Waterville Lutheran               548
Shager, Christopher             Old West Paint Creek              442
Shager, Christopher C           Old West Paint Creek              442
Shager, Karen F                 Old West Paint Creek              442
Shanks, Leona                   Oakland - Main                    325
Shannon, Mary M                 Oakland - Main                    325
Sharbonda, Andrew               Volney                            683
Sharbonda, Sarah Ann            Volney                            683
Sharp, Gerald                   Smithfield                        680
Sharping, Albert Haug           Oak Hill                          188
Shattk, Albert A                Oakland - Main                    325
Shattuck, Cullen Clark          Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, Emily A               Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, George                Oak Hill                          188
Shattuck, Luella Mae            Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, Luman                 Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, Luman H               Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, Robert                Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, Sarah                 Oakland - Main                    326
Shattuck, Theodore R            Oakland - Main                    326
Shaw, ?                         Oak Hill                          188
Shaw, Carrie H                  Oak Hill                          188
Shaw, Elizabeth                 Oak Hill                          189
Shaw, Helen S                   Oak Hill                          189
Shaw, John Edward               Old Oak Hill                      203
Shaw, Katie S                   Oak Hill                          189
Shaw, Louisa H                  Old Oak Hill                      203
Shaw, Lucy A                    Oak Hill                          189
Shaw, Lydia                     Old Oak Hill                      203
Shaw, SV                        Old Oak Hill                      203
Shaw, Sadie Curtin              Mt Olivet                         240
Shaw, Samuel Charles            Old Oak Hill                      203
Shaw?, Charles                  Oakland - Main                    326
Shaw?, Eva                      Oakland - Main                    326
Sheehan, Michael                Paint Rock                        571
Sheeran, Prosper                Paint Rock                        571
Sheetz, Lucia A                 Oakland - Main                    326
Shefelbine, Albert G            Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Alfred Clarence     Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Alma Iola Droivo    Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Clara Gustavia      Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Eliza Almira        Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Frances             Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Gades Roy           Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, George J            Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, James Selmer        Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, John Henry          Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Mary                Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Milton Floyd        Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, Vienna I            Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, William             Dorchester Methodist               12
Shefelbine, William Jr          Dorchester Methodist               12
Sheilds, Beatrice               St Mary’s                          91
Sheilds, Catherine - A          Mt Olivet                         240
Sheilds, Christopher W          St Mary’s                          91
Sheilds, Frank                  Mt Olivet                         240
Sheilds, Katheryn M             St Mary’s                          91
Sheldon, Esther                 Oak Hill                          189
Shepard, Arthur B               Oakland - Main                    326
Shepard, Elizabeth              Cleveland                         577
Shepard, Ettie                  Makee                             279
Shepard, Francis A              Makee                             279
Sheperd, Elizabeth S Beedy      Postville - Area D                631
Shepherd, Amanda Jane Curry     Postville - Area B                613
Shepherd, Ann                   Postville - Area B                613
Shepherd, Beatrice Marie        Gethsemane                        119
Shepherd, Edna Grace            Oakland - Main                    326
Shepherd, Hugh                  Postville - Area B                614
Shepherd, John                  Postville - Area B                614
Shepherd, Mabel Kathleen        Oak Hill                          189
Shepherd, Margaret              Postville - Area B                614
Shepherd, Roscoe John           Gethsemane                        119
Shepherd, William               Postville - Area B                614
Sherbonda, Andrew Edward        Smithfield                        680
Sherbonda, Jacob                Smithfield                        680
Sherbonda, Jene Fay             Smithfield                        680
Sherbonda, Minnie               Smithfield                        680
Sherbonda, Thelma M             Smithfield                        680
Sheridan, Arthur Edward         Mt Olivet                         240
Sheridan, Arthur Lee            Mt Olivet                         240
Sheridan, Cecilia A Lee         Mt Olivet                         240
Sheridan, James                 Mt Olivet                         240
Sheridan, Michael               Mt Olivet                         240
Sheridan, Sarah                 Lycurgus                          271
Sheridan, Ulysses               Rossville                         523
Sherif, Joseph N                Gethsemane                        119
Sheriff, ?                      Dorchester Methodist               12
Sheriff, Charles                Dorchester Methodist               12
Sheriff, Charles E              English Bench                      96
Sheriff, Edward James           Gethsemane                        119
Sheriff, Emma E                 Gethsemane                        119
Sheriff, Essie Jane             English Bench                      96
Sheriff, Harold - Alonzo        English Bench                      96
Sheriff, James Edward           English Bench                      96
Sheriff, Jasper David           Gethsemane                        119
Sheriff, John William           English Bench                      96
Sheriff, Leo E                  Oak Hill                          189
Sheriff, Louisa Helen           Gethsemane                        119
Sheriff, Roy                    Gethsemane                        119
Sheriff, Sarah Jane             English Bench                      96
Sheriff,?                       Mt Hope                            34
Sherlock, Ann                   Paint Rock                        571
Sherlock, William               Paint Rock                        571
Sherman, ?                      Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, ?                      Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, ?                      Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, ?                      Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Anna Mae               Oakland - German Addition         370
Sherman, Anna Rumph             Oakland - German Addition         370
Sherman, August William         Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Dwight                 Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Edith Mitchell         Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Edward - Albert        Oakland - German Addition         370
Sherman, Edward W               Oakland - German Addition         370
Sherman, Elizabeth              Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Flora                  Smith                             664
Sherman, Florentine Oster       Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Fred                   Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, George Hewitt          Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, George Washington      Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Henrietta              Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Henry                  Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Herman                 Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Herman Simon           Oakland - German Addition         370
Sherman, John                   Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Kate Round             Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Leona A                Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Sherman, Lida                   Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Lisle Edith            Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Louis E                Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Sherman, Luna                   Oakland - Main                    326
Sherman, Ralph L                Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Sherman, Sophia Bertha          Ebenezer                          502
Sherman, Vernie Emily           Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Sherman, William T              Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Sherriff, ?                     English Bench                      96
Sherriff, Clarence David        Oak Hill                          189
Sherriff, Floyd                 English Bench                      96
Sherriff, Howard                English Bench                      96
Sherriff, Lloyd                 English Bench                      96
Shervin, Ole Nelson             Rossville                         523
Shew, Susan                     Oakland - Main                    326
Shields, Alphonsus              Wexford                           473
Shields, John                   Wexford                           473
Shields, John                   Wexford                           473
Shields, Martin                 Old Oak Hill                      203
Shields, Michael                Wexford                           473
Shields, Rose Marie             Paint Rock                        571
Shields, William John           Paint Rock                        572
Shiite?, Frederick              Old Oak Hill                      203
Shindoll, Aaron Hugo            Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Shindoll, Esther                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Shindoll, Harold                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Shindoll, James                 Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Shindoll, Mary A                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Shindoll, Nancy Lea             Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Shining, Albert                 Evergreen                         510
Shining, Christian              Evergreen                         510
Shinkle, Esther                 Oak Hill                          189
Shinning, Nancy Wilber          Evergreen                         510
Shisler, ?                      Oak Hill                          189
Shisler, James                  Oak Hill                          189
Shisler, Laura A                Oak Hill                          189
Shjoll, Josephine Matilda       Old West Paint Creek              442
Shnnu?, Missouria               Waterville Lutheran               548
Shoemaker, George               Old East Paint Creek              417
Shogren, ?                      Adventist                         388
Shogren, Agnes J                Center Baptist                    392
Shogren, Alden LeRoy            Center Baptist                    392
Shogren, Bessie                 Center Baptist                    392
Shogren, Caroline Swenson       Center Baptist                    392
Shogren, Charlotte - Aldrich    Center Baptist                    392
Shogren, Clarence R             Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, David                  Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Della R                Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shogren, Edwin E                Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shogren, Gertrude L             Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shogren, Gordon Milroy          Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Gustave M              Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Hannah Charlotte       Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, John                   Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Lillian J              Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Mabel T                Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shogren, Mary Sophronia         Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Myrtle Ivey Uren       Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Raymond Eugene         Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Roland V               Center Baptist                    393
Shogren, Salem                  Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shogren, Sven J                 Center Baptist                    393
Short, ?                        Lansing Ridge                     137
Short, ?                        Lycurgus                          271
Short, Ann                      Lycurgus                          271
Short, Anna C                   Lycurgus                          271
Short, Bridget                  Lycurgus                          271
Short, Elizabeth Deeny          Lycurgus                          271
Short, Ellen                    Lycurgus                          271
Short, Ellen                    Mt Olivet                         240
Short, Eugene                   Makee                             279
Short, Harry C                  Oak Hill                          189
Short, Harry Jr                 Oak Hill                          189
Short, John                     Lycurgus                          271
Short, John                     Lycurgus                          271
Short, John Patrick             Lycurgus                          271
Short, Lawrence                 Lycurgus                          271
Short, Marian A                 Oak Hill                          189
Short, Nellie D                 Oak Hill                          189
Short, Patrick, Jr              Lycurgus                          271
Short, William Nicholas         Lycurgus                          271
Shortreed, Edward M             Postville - Area D                631
Shortreed, Lin                  Postville - Area D                631
Shortt, Elizabeth Ellen Dee     Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Ellen                   Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Genevieve               Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Irene                   Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, John                    Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Leo                     Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Mark William            Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Michael J               Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Patrick                 Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Patrick E               Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Peter James             Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Rose                    Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, Veronica M              Lycurgus                          271
Shortt, William                 Lycurgus                          271
Shrody, Mary Ann                Lycurgus                          271
Shuff, Delia E                  Maple Hill                        541
Shuff, Delia E                  Rossville                         523
Shuff, Elizabeth William        Maple Hill                        541
Shuff, Mary E                   Maple Hill                        541
Shuff, William                  Maple Hill                        541
Shuff, William                  Maple Hill                        541
Shultz, Joseph                  County Care Facility              254
Shumaker, ?                     Old East Paint Creek              417
Shuman, Henry                   French Creek                       99
Shurtleff, Beulah M             Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shurtleff, Leonard L            Oakland - Alleys                  381
Shuttemeier, Otto               Oakland - German Addition         370
Shutz, Michael                  St Joseph’s                        74
Sickels, ?                      Sixteen                           700
Sickels, ?                      Oak Hill                          189
Sickels, Andrew Jackson         Waterville Lutheran               548
Sickels, Athur A                Waterville Lutheran               548
Sickles, Blanche M              Oak Hill                          189
Sickles, Cletus Carl            Oak Hill                          189
Sickles, Fred                   Oak Hill                          189
Sickles, Jessie M               Oak Hill                          189
Sickles, Marlyn Jean            Oak Hill                          189
Sieg, Alvina                    Ebenezer                          502
Sieg, Bernard L                 Smithfield                        680
Sieg, Gordon Krom               Hardin                            673
Sieg, Henry                     Ebenezer                          502
Sieg, Herman C                  Ebenezer                          502
Sieg, John Edward               Oakland - German Addition         370
Sieg, Lucy Christ               Oakland - German Addition         370
Sieg, Phyllis A                 Waterville Lutheran               548
Sieg, Vida                      Hardin                            673
Siegried, Joe                   New Albin                          58
Siekemeier, ?                   Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, ?                   Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, ?                   Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, Adolph Jacob        Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, Anna J              Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, Carolena            Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, Charles Olaf        Oakland - German Addition         370
Siekemeier, E R                 Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Siekemeier, Frederick Ado       Oakland - German Addition         371
Siekemeier, Frederick J         Oakland - German Addition         371
Siekemeier, Hannah              Oakland - German Addition         371
Siekemeier, Jacob C             Oakland - German Addition         371
Siekemeier, Mary                Oakland - German Addition         371
Siekemeier, Mary Elizabeth      Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Siekemeier, Mathilda            Oakland - German Addition         371
Siekemeier, Simon August        Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Siekmeier, ?                    Zalmona                           496
Siekmeier, Adolf                Zalmona                           496
Siekmeier, Adolph Jacob         Bethlehem                         482
Siekmeier, Anna Wagner          Bethlehem                         482
Siem, Jonas N                   Old East Paint Creek              417
Siem, Randine                   Old East Paint Creek              418
Sigdahl, Aase Olsen             Oak Hill                          189
Signe?, Florence                Old East Paint Creek              418
Sigurson, Ole                   Old West Paint Creek              442
Sigurson, Reier                 Old West Paint Creek              442
Sill, Herman                    Oakland - 1920 Addition           349
Sill, Wilhelmina Dorothy        Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Silverburg, Annette Brophy      Gethsemane                        119
Silverburg, Frances Brophy      Gethsemane                        119
Silverburg, Mary                Gethsemane                        119
Simenson, Alfred Lewis          Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simenson, Elizabeth A           Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simenson, Gustava Larson        Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simenson, Halvor                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simenson, Hans                  Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simenson, Hattie - A            Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simenson, Patrena               Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Simmonds, Lois                  Oakland - Alleys                  381
Simmonds, Maurice R             Oakland - Alleys                  381
Simmons, August                 Zalmona                           496
Simmons, Dorothy F              Oakland - German Addition         371
Simmons, John Henry             Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Simmons, Mary C Opfer           Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Simmons, Ruth W/S               Oakland - German Addition         371
Simmons, Wilhelmina             Zalmona                           496
Simon, Albert J                 Mt Olivet                         240
Simon, August                   Oak Hill                          189
Simon, Henry                    Oak Hill                          189
Simon, Hulda                    Oak Hill                          189
Simon, Lyle Francis             Mt Olivet                         240
Simon, Mary I "Mayme"           Mt Olivet                         240
Simon, Mathias                  Oak Hill                          189
Simon, Sophia Morhlenpa?        Oak Hill                          189
Simon, Willie                   Oak Hill                          189
Simons, Martin John             Zalmona                           496
Simonson, ?                     Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, Andrew                Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, Betsie                Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, Emma                  Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, Gustave T             Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, John                  Old West Paint Creek              442
Simonson, Louisa                Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, Martin                Oak Hill                          189
Simonson, Mary                  Gethsemane                        119
Simonson, Otto                  Oak Hill                          189
Sindlinger, Jacob               Old Oak Hill                      203
Sindlinger, Magdalena           Oak Hill                          189
Sindlinger, Minnie              Oak Hill                          189
Singleton, Elizabeth            Mt Hope                            34
Singleton, Jacob                Mt Hope                            34
Singleton, Jacob H              Mt Hope                            34
Singleton, James N              Mt Hope                            34
Singleton, James W              Mt Hope                            34
Singleton, Sarah                Mt Hope                            35
Singleton, Thomas               Mt Hope                            35
Siren?, Elizabeth               Lycurgus                          271
Siren?, Joe                     Lycurgus                          271
Sires, Catherine                English Bench                      96
Sires, Daniel                   English Bench                      96
Sires, Alvin J                  New Albin                          58
Sires, Anna B                   English Bench                      96
Sires, Antoinette H Sandry      May’s Prairie                     142
Sires, Donald                   Dorchester Catholic                 9
Sires, Donald G                 English Bench                      97
Sires, Gladys B                 English Bench                      97
Sires, Harris                   Dorchester Catholic                 9
Sires, James Grant              English Bench                      97
Sires, John                     English Bench                      97
Sires, Lena                     English Bench                      97
Sires, Lena                     English Bench                      97
Sires, Levi                     Postville - Area F                654
Sires, Lillian M                New Albin                          58
Sires, M J                      Mt Hope                            35
Sires, Mary Ann                 English Bench                      97
Sires, Mary Ann                 Mt Hope                            35
Sires, Mary J Wampler?          Mt Hope                            35
Sires, Roy                      English Bench                      97
Sires, Ruth                     Dorchester Catholic                 9
Sires, Sarah E                  Oakland - Main                    326
Sires, Sarah J                  English Bench                      97
Sires, Sarah Jane               English Bench                      97
Sires, Sophia                   Postville - Area F                654
Sires, Thomas                   Dorchester Catholic                 9
Sires, Thomas Lee               English Bench                      97
Sith, Charles                   Oakland - Main                    326
Siverly, Bernita                Smithfield                        680
Siverly, Earl                   Smithfield                        680
Sivesind, David - Allen         Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Sivesind, Delois Ann            Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Sivesind, Gina M                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Sivesind, Harold Casper         Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Sivesind, John A                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Sjodin, Christina A             Center Baptist                    393
Sjodin, Hans P                  Center Baptist                    393
Sjodin, Ida A                   Center Baptist                    393
Sjodin, Sam                     Center Baptist                    393
Skallet, Margit O               Old West Paint Creek              442
Skelton, Chettie                Postville - Area C                623
Skelton, Rubie                  Postville - Area C                623
Skinner, David                  Rossville                         523
Skinner, James                  Rossville                         523
Skinner, Jennie B               Rossville                         523
Skinner, Joseph H               Rossville                         523
Skjellebak, Carl                Old East Paint Creek              418
Skjellebak, Etter               Old East Paint Creek              418
Skjellebak, Marie               Old East Paint Creek              418
Skjirven, Ole Nilsen            Old West Paint Creek              442
Slanghard, Job                  Oak Hill                          189
Slattery, ?                     Old East Paint Creek              418
Slattery, ?                     West Ridge                        250
Slattery, David John            Mt Olivet                         240
Slattery, Ellen                 Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Ellen Teresa          Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Esther K              Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, James                 Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, John                  Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, John M                Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Joseph L              Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Mary A                Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Mayme G               Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Nora                  Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Thelma O              Mt Olivet                         240
Slattery, Thomas F              Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Thomas Henry          Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, Thomas L              Cherry Mound                      697
Slattery, William F             Mt Olivet                         240
Slaymaker, Bessie M             Oak Hill                          189
Slinde, Forence Rosetta         Iowa Lutheran                      84
Slinde, Helmer Sanford          Iowa Lutheran                      84
Slinde, Johannes T              Iowa Lutheran                      84
Slinde, Sarah                   Iowa Lutheran                      84
Slinde, Sofia Gjertine          Iowa Lutheran                      84
Slindee, Carl Oliver            Oak Hill                          189
Slindee, Ida                    Oak Hill                          189
Slindee, Ole J                  Oak Hill                          189
Slitor, Gwendolyn E Kelly       Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Slitor, Nelle Eaton             Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Slitor, Ray Francis             Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Slitor, Truman G                Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Sloan, Samuel                   Lansing Ridge                     137
Smaabrekke, Nels                East Paint Creek Synod            538
Smaabrekke, Torbjor             East Paint Creek Synod            538
Smale, Charles L                Rossville                         523
Smeby, Ann                      Oakland - German Addition         371
Smeby, Caroline Louise Larson   Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Edwin                    Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Haarvard O               Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Hans                     West Paint Creek Synod            449
Smeby, Hans                     West Paint Creek Synod            449
Smeby, Helene                   West Paint Creek Synod            449
Smeby, Henry H                  Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Ingeborg                 Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Johannes O               Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, John                     Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Josephine                Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Kartha                   Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Mary                     Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Maxine                   Oakland - German Addition         371
Smeby, Ole Hanson               Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Oscar J                  Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Selma J                  Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Steve                    Oakland - German Addition         371
Smeby, Theodore Roland          Old West Paint Creek              442
Smeby, Tidal Wave               Old West Paint Creek              442
Smedrud, Ole                    New Albin                          58
Smedrud, Ole                    New Albin                          58
Smedsrud, Alfred G              Old West Paint Creek              442
Smedsrud, Alvin M               Old West Paint Creek              442
Smedsrud, Anna S                Faegre Prairie                    394
Smedsrud, Arden Melvin          Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Smedsrud, Augustinus            Faegre Prairie                    394
Smedsrud, Carl G                Old West Paint Creek              442
Smedsrud, Christian             Faegre Prairie                    394
Smedsrud, Christian P           Old West Paint Creek              442
Smedsrud, Christine             Faegre Prairie                    394
Smedsrud, Gilbert A             Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Hannah Teeninger      Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Inger Adette          Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Irene Louise          Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Karen                 Faegre Prairie                    394
Smedsrud, Karen M               Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Karoline Henrikka     Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Marian                Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Smedsrud, Melvin                Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Nettie                Old West Paint Creek              443
Smedsrud, Nils                  Faegre Prairie                    395
Smedsrud, Peder N               Faegre Prairie                    395
Smedsrud, Ruth Pearl Huffman    Old West Paint Creek              443
Smersrud, Bedstemoder           Faegre Prairie                    394
Smerud, ?                       Oak Hill                          189
Smerud, Clara                   St Joseph’s                        74
Smerud, Francis J               St Joseph’s                        74
Smerud, Jerry Lee               St Joseph’s                        74
Smerud, Oscar J                 St Joseph’s                        74
Smerud, Stephan                 New Albin                          58
Smith, ?                        Rossville                         523
Smith, ?                        Smithfield                        680
Smith, ?                        Smithfield                        680
Smith, ?                        Smithfield                        680
Smith, ?                        Wexford                           473
Smith, ?                        Mt Hope                            35
Smith, ?                        Oak Hill                          189
Smith, Abigail                  Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Albert                   Paint Rock                        572
Smith, Alda B                   Hardin                            674
Smith, Alfreda                  Cleveland                         577
Smith, Alma J                   English Bench                      97
Smith, Alvina                   Hardin                            674
Smith, Anna B                   Smithfield                        680
Smith, Arthur Milburn           Smith                             664
Smith, Benjamin                 Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Bertha                   Oak Hill                          189
Smith, Betsy                    Smithfield                        680
Smith, Beulah                   Oak Hill                          189
Smith, Boyd William             Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Bruce M                  Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Caroline                 Oak Hill                          189
Smith, Carrie Swenson           Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Carson Samuel            Spaulding                         704
Smith, Carson Samuel            Spaulding                         704
Smith, Cassius P                Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Catherine                Wexford                           473
Smith, Catherine                Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Catherine                Oak Hill                          189
Smith, Catherine McCauley       Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Charles A                Smith                             664
Smith, Charles J                Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Clarence C               Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Clarisa                  Smithfield                        680
Smith, Clinton E                Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Clinton M                Hardin                            674
Smith, Cooper                   Dorchester Catholic                 9
Smith, Dale Henry               Mt Hope                            35
Smith, David                    Smith                             664
Smith, Dora I Harris            Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Eden Nathaniel           Smithfield                        680
Smith, Edna A                   Hardin                            674
Smith, Edward                   Rossville                         523
Smith, Edward N                 Smithfield                        680
Smith, Elizabeth                Gethsemane                        119
Smith, Elizabeth Ann            Mt Hope                            35
Smith, Ella                     Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Ernest L                 Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Smith, Ernest L                 Minert                            583
Smith, Ethel E                  Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Evaline                  Smithfield                        680
Smith, Ferdinand                Lansing Ridge                     137
Smith, Frances                  Paint Rock                        572
Smith, Francis                  Rossville                         523
Smith, Frank                    Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Frank E                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Fred - A                 Mt Hope                            35
Smith, Gayle L                  Maple Hill                        541
Smith, George - A               Smithfield                        681
Smith, George Louis             St Joseph’s                        74
Smith, Georgia Helen            New Albin                          58
Smith, Gertrude                 Smithfield                        681
Smith, Gideon Wilson            Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Goldie Pauline           Cleveland                         577
Smith, Gottlieb                 Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Grace K                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Harriet                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Harriet C                Minert                            583
Smith, Harry S                  Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Harvey C                 Minert                            583
Smith, Helga M                  Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Henry                    Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Herbert Levern           Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Horace H                 Hardin                            674
Smith, Hulda                    Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Ida E                    Smith                             664
Smith, Ida Estella              Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Ida R Thorson            Old East Paint Creek              418
Smith, Ira E                    Smith                             664
Smith, Ira M                    Smithfield                        681
Smith, Jackson                  Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, James                    Oak Hill                          190
Smith, James C                  Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, James Edward             Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Jennie                   Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Jennie E                 Smith                             664
Smith, Jerome Maurice           Gethsemane                        119
Smith, Jessie Georgina          Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Jno W                    Smith                             664
Smith, John                     County Care Facility              254
Smith, John                     Oak Hill                          190
Smith, John Louis               Postville - Area F                654
Smith, John M                   Old Oak Hill                      203
Smith, John N                   Minert                            583
Smith, John W                   Smith                             664
Smith, Johnny                   Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Josephine N              Postville - Area G                637
Smith, Josephine N              Postville - Area E                637
Smith, Judith                   Smith                             664
Smith, Julia                    Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Katherine                Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Keith M                  Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Lambert                  Gethsemane                        119
Smith, Lee F                    Maple Hill                        541
Smith, Leighton                 Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Leonard B                Rossville                         523
Smith, Leonard E                Hardin                            674
Smith, Leroy                    Smithfield                        681
Smith, Lester Dean              Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Lewis B                  Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Lewis LeRoy              Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Lillian Steele           Mt Olivet                         240
Smith, Lizzie                   Smithfield                        681
Smith, Lois Lucille             Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Louisa                   Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Lucy Augusta Webb        Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Luella                   Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Lyla May                 New Albin                          58
Smith, Mae E Ruggenmeier        Oakland - German Addition         371
Smith, Malinda Hoffman          Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Marena                   Smith                             665
Smith, Margaret                 Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Margaret                 Mt Hope                            35
Smith, Maria                    Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Maria L Swenson          Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Marian Imogene Powe      Smithfield                        681
Smith, Martha                   Smith                             665
Smith, Marvel Irene             Mt Hope                            35
Smith, Mary                     Lansing Ridge                     137
Smith, Mary                     Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Mary A                   Hardin                            674
Smith, Mary Abigail Stillma     Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Mary Ann                 Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Mary B Swenson           Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Mary J                   Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Mary Jane                Smith                             665
Smith, Mary M                   Minert                            583
Smith, Mason                    Paint Rock                        572
Smith, Matilda                  Old East Paint Creek              418
Smith, Matilda                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Melvin E                 Smithfield                        681
Smith, Merton E                 Hardin                            674
Smith, Mildred M                Smithfield                        681
Smith, Myrtle Mary              Mt Hope                            35
Smith, Nancy Powell             IOOF                              516
Smith, Nancy Powell             IOOF                              516
Smith, Norman                   Smithfield                        681
Smith, Ora                      Smithfield                        681
Smith, Ora Virgil               Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Smith, Peter                    Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Peter                    Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Peter T                  Postville - Area B                614
Smith, Phillip                  Wexford                           473
Smith, Reggie - A               Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Reuben D                 Smith                             665
Smith, Reuben F                 Smith                             665
Smith, Rodney I                 Postville - Area G                637
Smith, Rodney I                 Postville - Area E                637
Smith, Roger A                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Rose Marie               Postville - Area F                654
Smith, Roy E                    Smithfield                        681
Smith, Royal W                  Hardin                            674
Smith, Ruth G                   Smithfield                        681
Smith, Samuel S                 IOOF                              516
Smith, Samuel S                 IOOF                              516
Smith, Sherman                  Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Stephen S                Cleveland                         577
Smith, Susan Hope               Rossville                         523
Smith, Susan Sophia             Minert                            583
Smith, Sylvia Pearl             Oakland - 1920 Addition           350
Smith, Theo                     Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Theodore Templeton       Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, Thomas                   Wexford                           473
Smith, Thomas                   Oak Hill                          190
Smith, Thomas A                 Old West Paint Creek              443
Smith, Veronica                 Lycurgus                          271
Smith, Viola C Moe              Oakland - St John’s Addition      360
Smith, Walter Sherman           Gethsemane                        119
Smith, Wilfred E                Mt Hope                            35
Smith, William                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, William                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, William                  Oak Hill                          190
Smith, William B                Smithfield                        681
Smith, William B                Oak Hill                          190
Smith, William Bass             Smithfield                        681
Smith, William C                Oakland - Main                    326
Smith, William E                Minert                            583
Smith, William Lee              Postville - Area G                637
Smith, William Lee              Postville - Area E                637
Smith, William P                Oakland - German Addition         371
Smith, William W                Hardin                            674
Smith?, ?                       Mt Hope                            35
Smith?, ?                       Mt Hope                            35
Smitz, Rose Regan               Lycurgus                          272
Smorstad, Cindy S               Mt Olivet                         240
Smorstad, Cynthia Susan         Lycurgus                          272
Smorstad, Helen E Sweeny        Mt Olivet                         240
Smorstad, Leslie Roland         Mt Olivet                         240
Smorstad, Roland                Lycurgus                          272

Copyright© 1989 Dale P. Woodmansee, Waukon, Iowa 52172
Recorded:  Dec 31 1988. With permission of Eleen Woodmansee.  

Originally submitted July 1999 by Roxanne Barth, 
IAGenWeb Allamakee CC. Reformatted October 2002 by 
Sharyl Ferrall, current CC Allamakee Co.
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