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Joseph Otto Evans & De Frances Madison Marriage (1901)


Posted By: Carl Malone (email)
Date: 5/7/2017 at 17:59:03

The Adams County Free Press
Corning, Iowa
May 22, 1901


At 9 o’clock last Sunday morning, at the home of Elder I. H. Fuller, occurred the marriage of Joe O. Evans and Miss De Frances Madison. These two young people are both favorably and well known here. Mr. Evans has accepted a position as manager of a creamery station down on the Diagonal railroad southwest of Creston. They left for Creston a few minutes after the ceremony and expect to go to work first of the week. The many friends of both bride and groom wish them abundant success in their new field of labor.

The Adams County Free Press
Corning, Iowa
May 25, 1901

The marriage of Joe O. Evans and Miss De Frances Madison occurred at the Christian parsonage last Sunday morning at 9 o’clock, Rev. I. H. Fuller officiating. None were present except Mrs. E. E. Lehenon, John Madison and the preacher and his family. This was a complete surprise to the Madison family and the near friends of Mr. Evans. They left at 9:35 for Creston where they will make a short stop and then proceed to a little town on the Diagonal railroad, south from Afton Junction, where Mr. Evans has a position with Elgin Creamery company. Both bride and groom are well and favorably known here.


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